
  • 网络Suddenly Myself
  1. 因此,无论生活在什么地方出其不意,突然适应的人造自我被证明是不充分的,而且无法抵挡来自原始经验的入侵,那个内在的自我就会被抛到前线——毫无准备,儿时的种种恐惧萦绕在耳边。

    And so , wherever life takes it by surprise , and suddenly the artificial self of adaptations proves inadequate , and fails to ward off the invasion of raw experience , that inner self is thrown into the front line - unprepared , with all its childhood terrors round its ears .

  2. 我记得这样一个场合,当我鼓起勇气想提出加薪要求时,却突然感到一阵强烈的自我厌恶,于是便撤回了要求。

    I remember one occasion when I plucked up courage to ask for a rise but then felt such a rush of self-loathing I retracted the demand .