
  1. 拍卖结束之后,Gaga在其Twitter上对3100万的粉丝说到:本着对杰克逊的勇敢以及全世界歌迷对他的爱,我会好好的收藏拍下的55件物品。

    Following Sunday 's auction , Gaga told her 31 million Twitter followers that the 55 pieces I collected today will be archived expertly cared for in the spirit love of Michael Jackson , his bravery , fans worldwide .

  2. 拍卖结束之后,Gaga在其Twitter上对3100万的粉丝说到:“本着对杰克逊的勇敢以及全世界歌迷对他的爱,我会好好的收藏拍下的55件物品。”

    Following Sunday 's auction , Gaga told her 31 million Twitter followers that " the 55 pieces I collected today will be archived & expertly cared for in the spirit & love of Michael Jackson , his bravery , & fans worldwide . "

  3. 我会好好的检查你好吗?

    But I will certainly check on that for you .

  4. 就算重了十棒我会好好的。

    That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds .

  5. 有你的性格,我会好好的。

    Owning your personality , I will be good , with smiles .

  6. 没有你的爱,我依然会好好的活。

    I will still living very well without your love .

  7. 谢谢老师,回去我会好好整理的。

    Thank you . I will sort what you 've said later .

  8. 明天我会是好好的,还是被你打断腿了?

    I make good by tomorrow , oryou 'll break my legs ?

  9. 我会好好表现的放心

    I will be on my best behavior , okay ?

  10. 我会好好考虑的,谢谢

    I 'll look into that . Thank you .

  11. 不用担心,你和我都会好好的。

    Everything will be okay . I 'll be fine , you 'll be fine .

  12. 没有你的爱,我依然会好好的活。可是,好好活又能怎么样呢?

    In dearth of your love , I still live fine , but it is in futility .

  13. 我会好好地努力的,好好的活一回。

    I 'll take to try and live thoroughly once .

  14. 当然不介意我保证会好好表现的天啊!

    Of course . I promise to work hard . Oh , lord !

  15. 不.不.我会活的好好的

    NO . NO I 'm gonna live .

  16. 有我在它们会好好的。

    They will be safe with me .

  17. 来进来,我会好好招待你的

    Come on in , I 'll take really , really good care of you .

  18. 允浩,好好拍戏,等片子出来,我一定会好好欣赏的!加油啊!

    U-know and good shooting , etc , I will film to enjoy ! fighting !

  19. 我会好好继续写的!

    I will keep on writing !

  20. 然后如果有机会成为教练的话我也会好好准备的。

    Then if an opportunity arises to coach over there or in Mexico again I 'm better prepared .

  21. 不会又找借口说:“再让我选择我会好好的珍惜你的。”

    Will not find the excuse saying : " will let me choose me again to treasure you well . "

  22. 真希望可以回到过去,我一定会更加好好的珍惜你!

    Now I really want to go back that time and if then I am sure to cherish you more than before !

  23. 我会好好利用民众的才能,我们会呼吁最优秀最聪明的精英为了所有人的利益而发挥他们的卓越才能。

    I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all .

  24. 为了可以在这个礼拜天跟大家开心见面,我会好好照顾自己的健康啦!

    I will take very good care of myself so I can be as healthy as possible in order to have fun with you guys this coming Sunday , ok ?

  25. 当主人看见它的这匹老马后,对它产生了怜悯之心,说道:“你就住在马厩里吧,我会好好待你的。”

    When the master saw the lion , he was of a better mind , and said to the horse ," You shall stay with me and fare well . "

  26. 我会好好珍惜你我的现在和将来。

    I will cherish you , my present and future .

  27. 你打半场比赛我知道你会好好发挥的…

    You play half the game I know you 're capable of ...

  28. 我会坚持下去好好生活的。

    I will hold on and have a good life .

  29. 巫婆说:『我会好好照顾这个女孩的。』

    I will take good care of the girl , @ says the witch .

  30. 而我也会好好照看路易斯的。

    I can keep an eye on luis .