
  • 网络The Real World;True world;Real Of The World
  1. 建造汽车、无人机、机器人和沉浸式拟真世界。

    they 're building cars , drones , robots and immersive virtual-reality worlds .

  2. 所以,如来说大千世界只是名世界,并非真世界。

    So , such as to say the boundless universe just of the world , is not really the world .

  3. 这些喜欢卖弄风情的美国姑娘,真是世界上最不可捉摸的怪物。

    These little American flirts were the queerest creature in the world .

  4. 你真是世界上最幸运的人啊!

    Aren 't you the luckiest man in the world ?

  5. 你真是世界的第七大奇迹!

    Aren 't you the seventh wonder of the universe ?

  6. 真想不到世界还真是小是吧

    What do you know ? Small world , right ? Oh .

  7. 莉莉真是世界上最幸运的小女孩了

    makes Lily the luckiest little girl in the world . - Oh !

  8. 看来那孩子真以为世界末日要到了。

    Looks like our boy had some serious end of the world issues .

  9. 真是世界上最棒的朗姆酒!

    Simply the Best Rum in the World !

  10. 时间真是世界上最无情的,它把许多美好的东西都变成了回忆。

    Time is the world 's most ruthless , the many beautiful things have become memories .

  11. 真是世界之美,万物之灵!

    The beauty of the world !

  12. 多么可爱的地方。这真是世界上最美的宾馆之一。

    Man What a lovely place ! This is one of the most beautiful hotels in the world .

  13. 有时候我真希望世界都围着我转,那样我就可以为所欲为。

    Sometimes I wished that the whole world revolved around me , so I could do whatever I wanted .

  14. 难道我们真希望世界上只剩下600种语言,其中又以英文或中文为主流吗?

    Do we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being English , or Chinese ?

  15. 每个都带有很赞的武器,就像在真是世界中,他们都有各自的用处。

    Each carries a different weapon compliment , so just like in real life they all have their own uses .

  16. 最终,她接受了求婚并表示:“那真是世界上最神奇的事情!”

    Finally , she says yes and adds : " That was seriously the most amazing thing in the world . "

  17. 我们总是听到一些大论调说这个世界都是幻想,我们有一个真的世界,在那上面每一样东西都比较好。

    We always hear big talk like , this world is illusionary ; we have a real world , and everything is better up there-out there somewhere .

  18. 在耶稣死后的几个世纪里,基督徒们真的相信世界将要灭亡。

    In the centuries following Christ 's death , Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end

  19. 如果这是真的,世界上会有很多无聊的人。

    If that is true , there will be a lot of dull people in the world .

  20. 你真的让世界火起来了。祝贺你!

    You really set the world on fire . congratulations !

  21. 安娜:真的?世界真小啊!

    Anna : Really ? What a small world !

  22. 说真的,世界杯确实是独一无二。

    There really is nothing like the World Cup .

  23. 但他们那时真的是世界上最好的。

    But they were the best in the world .

  24. 真是个世界通行的笑话

    A joke that 's funny in all countries .

  25. 翻译成中文就是:你真的说世界语吗?

    Is it true that you speak Esperanto ?

  26. 这里真的是世界大商业的中心。

    This is really and truly the center of the world for big business .

  27. 他真的认为世界会改变么?

    Does he think the world will change ?

  28. 真的全世界吗

    Really ? In the whole world ?

  29. 这些影响可能就会改变国家,而且我可能就会真的改变世界了。

    Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world .

  30. 论真与可能世界

    On Truth and Possible World