
  • 网络True life;Real Life;BC Magazine HMV
  1. 使我真相信生命是绝对没有保证的。

    It make me believed life have no GUARNTEE .

  2. 如果你一直在费心探索生命的意义,你无法体会真的生命。

    You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life .

  3. 仿佛那在石雕中汩汩喷流的水真是生命之泉。

    As though the water that spurted and bubbled among its stones , was indeed a life-giving spring .

  4. 人文环境的构建需要从合理的知识结构、至真的生命情感关怀、和谐的人际关系等方面入手。

    There are some problems we need to think over during constructing the environment . that is the fitting structure of knowledge , the pure care about life and the harmony relationship .

  5. VyacheslavDokuchaev甚至曾暗示说,如果黑洞中真的有生命存在,他们已经进化成银河中最先进的文明。

    Vyacheslav Dokuchaev has even suggested that if life did exist inside the SBH , it would have evolved to become the most advanced civilisation in the galaxy .

  6. 哇,今天真是我生命中最美好的一天。

    Wow , this is the best day of my life .

  7. 科学真的对生命的基本问题作出了回答吗?

    Has science really answered any of the fundamental questions of life ?

  8. 真豪杰视生命如草芥。

    To the real hero life is a mere straw .

  9. 那真是我们生命中最美好的时光。

    It was the best time of our lives .

  10. 于是真的&生命的秘密就在我们每个人的心里。

    And so it was & The SECRET OF LIFE lies within all of us .

  11. 真的,生命其实还是这么的美好。

    So life is happy and harmonious .

  12. 对我影响最深刻是却是我如何的害怕,真是浪费生命!

    And what I remember most is how afraid I was , what a waste .

  13. 于是真的——生命的秘密就在我们每个人的心里。

    And so it was - - The SECRET OF LIFE lies within all of us .

  14. 在“机器人暗杀工厂”的工作压力真是…生命中不能承受之重。

    The stress from my job at the robot assassin factory ... is too much to take .

  15. 有性繁殖是真核生物生命周期的一个普遍特征。

    Sex prevails in nature , presenting as a general feature of the life cycle of eukaryotes .

  16. 不管你相信什么,你根本看不出任何东西真的具有生命或真的充满喜悦。

    Regardless of what you may believe , you do not see anything that really alive or really joyous .

  17. 难道你我真的是生命中的过客,在生命中昙花一现吗?

    Are we passers-by in the life of each other ? Is our love bound to be a flash-in-the-pan ?

  18. 但是,如果我们真的以生命高贵和灵魂自由为追求,这又将是难得磨练的机遇;

    But if we pursue the royalty of life and the freedom of spirituality , it would be a great opportunity of growing up .

  19. 有位女士劝你进行反思并扪心自问:自己是不是真在浪费生命?对于这一建议,我也坚决不予考虑。

    I would also resolutely ignore the woman who suggests you take stock and ask yourself if you really are wasting your own life .

  20. 在高等真核多细胞生命体中,存在着一个极为复杂而精确的分子调节网络,维持细胞的正常性状以及细胞群的稳定。

    In the high eukaryotic cells , a complicated and accurate molecular adjusting system could maintain the normal celluar characters and the stability of cell groups .

  21. 囊泡运输是真核细胞生命活动的基本事件之一,是细胞内内膜系统间物质和信息交流的主要方式。

    Vesicle trafficking is one of the basic events in eukaryotic cells . It is the major pattern to maintain the exchange of materials and communication of information among organelles .

  22. 通过比较样本中养狗之人和其他病人的死亡率,该研究团队发现,病人更好的健康状况不仅与有狗狗的陪伴相关,而且健康状况的改善真的能挽救生命。

    By comparing the mortality rates between the dog owners and the rest of the patient sample , the team found not only were our canine companions correlated with better health , that improvement was a real life saver .

  23. 我真高兴我的生命里有你!

    I 'm so glad you 're in my life !

  24. 不幸的是,这是因为它真的夺去过生命。

    Unfortunately , that 's because it has claimed lives .

  25. 噢!和你在一起真的是我生命中最好的时光。

    Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life .

  26. 现在我和我妈妈在一起,她真的是我生命中的一位天使。

    Here I am with my mama , who is a true angel in my life .

  27. 如果真的存在地外生命,一些中国科学家相信这座大型望远镜将会找到它。

    If the truth is out there , then some Chinese scientists are confident that the giant telescope will find it .

  28. 乃缦认识了以色列的独一真神,他的生命被改变了!

    Naaman had just come to know the true and living God of Israel , and his life had been changed forever !

  29. 富贵、名声、地位、安逸、奢华,这些是多么无聊,多么没有意义,真的不要把生命浪费在这些上面!

    All the nonsense about riches , fame , distinction , ease , luxury and so forth - how little does it amount to ! It really is not worth wasting time over .

  30. 假如我们真能事先知道生命的意义、神的本质、灵魂的命运这些问题的答案,我们的信仰就不是跨越信念,也不是勇敢的人类行为;

    If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls , our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity ; it would just be ...