
  1. 坐缆车的时候,我真的怕了。

    I am very scared when I took the cable .

  2. 但是似乎我永远都无法投入一份感情,每当我想投入的时候,总有事发生,为什么?真的怕了,也许今后,对谁都不要动心比较好一点

    But it is seem that I can not fall in love , when I love someone , something will happen soon , why ? Really afraid , perhaps aftertime , it is better for me that not to love anyone

  3. 我是真的怕伤了她的感情呢

    Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings ...

  4. 我当时真的怕极了。

    I was really scared .

  5. 在周一发表的采访中,被俘人员中唯一的女性对英国太阳报记者说,她在拘留期间被量了棺材的尺寸,那真的吓怕她了。

    In an interview published Monday , the only woman among the detained crew told Britain 's Sun tabloid that she feared she was being measured for a coffin while in detention , according to Reuters .