
  1. 然而同样的调查显示,我国少年儿童喜欢的20个动漫形象中,有19个来自日本,仅有一个是本土产品,那就是孙悟空。

    But the same survey , our children like the20 cartoon characters , 19 from Japan , only one is a local product , that is the Monkey King .

  2. 儿子经常说他就是孙悟空,不时拿着他的如意金箍棒(事实上只是一根丑陋的小木棍)在客厅那块大地毯上挥舞。

    My boy always tells other people he is the Monkey King and shakes his " golden cudgel "( in fact , it 's simply an ugly crabstick ) on our living room 's carpet .

  3. 我想上网的人都有被恶意网站攻击的不幸经历吧!这些可恶的恶意网站从名字上根本看不出有什么非凡,就是孙悟空的火眼金睛也没法事先分辨。

    These abhorrent baleful websites do not look to go out at all from the name what to have special , the piercing eye that is Sun Wu sky also does not have a law to differentiate beforehand .