
  • 网络That's right here;Koko ni Ita Koto
  1. 这条河就是在这里变窄的。

    This is where the river narrows .

  2. 他凝望着那片漆黑的空旷之地,那次战役就是在这里进行的。

    He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought

  3. 这些最新一批大型风力发电机就是在这里安装的。贾斯汀·罗拉特�

    That 's where these latest huge wind turbines are being installed .

  4. 亮处是暗物质最集中的地方,星系就是在这里形成的。

    The bright areas are where dark matter is most concentrated , and it 's here that galaxies form .

  5. 如您所见,EasyDatasource就是在这里使用这些key属性。

    As you can see , this is where the key property used in the Easy Datasource comes into play .

  6. 法国歌手SergeGainsbourg的那首“seasexandsun”可能就是在这里创作的……

    The famous " sea sex and sun " song from Serge Gainsbourg should have been created there ...

  7. 查克耶格尔(ChuckYeager)就是在这里突破音障的,第一艘航天飞机也是在这里建造和降落的。

    Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier right here and the first space shuttles were built and landed here .

  8. 哦,原来北京时间就是在这里定的。

    Oh , the standard Beijing time is actually set here .

  9. 他对第一任受害者的执迷就是在这里开始的

    It 's where his obsession with the genesis victim started .

  10. 我的第一个多纳圈就是在这里吃的。

    I had my first donut when I was here .

  11. 我知道。我就是在这里也一直在尚汗。

    I know . I 'm sweating just sitting here .

  12. 我父亲去世的当晚你就是在这里见的他吧?

    Is this where you met my father the night he died ?

  13. 委员会就是在这里向州政府提名候选人以备委任的。

    This is where a committee nominates candidates to the state governor for

  14. 是的,我们就是在这里被谋杀的。

    Oh , yeah . This is where we were all murdered .

  15. 非洲许多地方就是在这里出了问题。

    This is what has gone wrong in many parts of Africa .

  16. 就是在这里他的高级管理经验诞生了。

    It was here that his most advanced management experiments took place .

  17. 是的,就是在这里,在这间阴森森的房子里。

    Yes , it is here , in this spooky looking house .

  18. 就是在这里我们最后一次看见他。

    This is the last place we saw him .

  19. 他以前的女友可能就是在这里失足的,拜倒在他的殷勤下。

    Previous girlfriends may have failed here , and fallen for his flattery .

  20. 你就是在这里被锻炼着背叛你自己。

    You were trained to betray yourself right here .

  21. 托尼就是在这里一举成名的。

    It was here that Tony made his mark .

  22. 警察就是在这里发现了他的尸体

    That 's where the police found his body .

  23. 我就是在这里和我的主人相遇。

    It was here that I met my master .

  24. 看起来他就是在这里杀死的那个女孩。

    Looks like he killed this girl right here .

  25. 我再次看见她,就是在这里。

    The next time I saw her was here .

  26. “从那不勒斯王国来的商人就是在这里签合同的。”

    Merchants from the kingdom of Naples signed their contracts there . " "

  27. 她就是在这里被击中的。

    We know she was shot right here .

  28. 就是在这里我们的火箭登陆月球。

    That 's where the rocket wlll land .

  29. 你唯一要做的就是在这里跟我谈话。

    What you have to do is sit here and to talk to me .

  30. 我告诉过你我第一次吃酥皮面包就是在这里吗?

    Did I ever tell you this is where I first tried pretzel bread ?