
  • 网络Employment consultation;vocational counseling
  1. 举例来说,就业咨询师兼博客作者特伦克(PenelopeTrunk)在2007年就给读者提出了忠告:一辈子只干一个工作如今就等于断送自己的职业生涯。

    The career adviser and blogger Penelope Trunk , for example , counseled her readers in 2007 that ' staying in one job forever is today 's recipe for career suicide . '

  2. 根据就业咨询公司美世(Mercer)公布的2015年排行榜,上海甚至未能跻身前100座全球最宜居城市之列。

    Shanghai did not even make it into the top 100 of the world 's most liveable cities , according to 2015 rankings from Mercer , the employment consultants .

  3. 再就业咨询公司挑战者公司(Challenger,Gray&Christmas)首席执行官约翰•A•基林格表示,任职资格是可以培养的,但文化契合度这种难以量化的指标,对于求职者能否取得成功却是至关重要的。

    John A. challenger , CEO of outplacement consulting firm challenger , gray Christmas , says that qualifications are malleable , but fitting in a less quantifiable measure should make or break a candidate .

  4. 论述了青少年升学就业咨询与心理测量专家系统(简称PCTS)的设计思想与实现方法。

    The design and implementation of a expert system for teen - agers ' choice of jobs and college specialities and for psychology measurement are discussed .

  5. 整个系统中没有任何关于就业咨询的内容。

    There 's no career counseling implicit in all of this .

  6. 高校毕业生就业咨询服务系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of College Graduates Career Counseling Service System

  7. 全国妇女就业咨询委员会

    National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Women

  8. 青少年升学就业咨询与心理测量专家系统

    Expert system for teenagers ' choice of jobs and college specialities and for psychology measurement

  9. 社会以及高校为大学毕业生求职提供的就业咨询信息服务等就业指导体系尚不健全。

    System of job placement and information service offered by both university and society is discrete .

  10. 一名就业咨询师向《北京晨报》透露,睡眠师并不是中国的原创;

    A career adviser told Beijing Morning Post that the position did not originate in China ;

  11. 哦!对了!我为什么不到学校的就业咨询处去查询一下呢

    " Oh , well why do not I check out the campus employment office ? "

  12. 她向州劳动局资助的马里兰再就业咨询中心寻求帮助。

    She sought help from the Maryland State Professional Outplacement Assistance Center , or POAC , which is funded by the state Department of Labor .

  13. 可问题是,各国政府虽然扩大和延长了失业补贴的发放,并且提供了更多的就业咨询和培训,但是这些措施并没有赶上失业人口的增加。

    But efforts by governments to extend and prolong unemployment benefits , and to offer more job counseling and training have not kept up with the rising numbers of jobless .

  14. 整个毕业生就业咨询服务系统实现了系统资源管理、职业生涯规划及能力测评、职前教育网上课堂、在线咨询辅导、企业网上招聘、学生网上求职、就业信息网站、网上办公和毕业生派遣管理等功能。

    This service system achieves such functions as resource management , career planning and evaluation capacity , pre-service on-line education classroom , on-line counseling , on-line recruit of businesses , on-line job search , employment information web site , online working and graduate dispatching .

  15. 国际就业咨询公司“巨兽”与德国市场调研公司捷孚凯集团合作的一项国际调查显示,中国人是全世界最勤奋的民族。

    A recent survey has revealed that China is considered to be the most ' industrious ' nation in the world , according to research from Monster Worldwide , in collaboration with Gesellschaft f ü r Konsumforschung ( GfK ) , a German global market research institute 。

  16. 英国就业法律咨询服务处(EmploymentLawAdvisoryServices)的研究表明,由于员工周五下午开小差,英国企业每年损失5000万英镑。

    Research by UK-based Employment Law Advisory Services suggests that British businesses are losing £ 50m a year from employees skipping off on Friday afternoons .

  17. 填写所得税申报书和取得退款退休公务员就业申请咨询委员会

    Filing Income Tax Returns , Obtaining Refunds Advisory Committee on Post-retirement Employment

  18. 退休公务员就业申请咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on Post-retirement Employment

  19. 指导形式单一,缺乏个性化的就业心理咨询和辅导;

    The simplified guidance form and the lack of respective vocational evaluation and psychological counseling for individuals .

  20. 浅析成立性别平等就业监督咨询机构的可行性&基于上海市调查数据的分析

    On Feasibility of Establishing Monitoring and Consulting Institution for Gender Equality and Employment & Analysis based on Statistics in Shanghai City

  21. 本文从三个方面阐述了如何通过加大就业心理咨询指导力度,快速实现校企零距离对接,从而有效地解决这一问题。

    This paper elaborated from three aspects how to solve this problem through enhancing employment psychology consultation instruction to strengthen the close cooperation between school and enterprises .

  22. 谷歌(Google)、Facebook和亚马逊(Amazon)或许抢占了更多头条新闻,但根据最新的MBA就业统计,咨询公司依然是最大的招聘者,从顶级商学院抢走了最多MBA学员。

    Google , Facebook and Amazon might grab more of the headlines , but consulting firms are still snapping up the most students at top business schools as they remain the largest recruiters , according to the latest MBA placement statistics .

  23. 向学校就业中心办公室咨询,请他们帮助校对简历。

    Consult your college 's career services office for resume proofreading assistance .

  24. 6.jobcentre职业介绍中心英国的大小城市中有许多职业介绍中心,它们由政府设立,提供就业信息和相关咨询。

    In Britain , there are many job centres set up by the government in towns and cities where people can look for jobs or ask for advice on finding jobs .

  25. 本系统的特色是,可以通过应用本系统,系统除了包含传统的学生就业管理、学生就业咨询管理、违约管理等内容外,切实有效地在毕业生、下岗人员和企业之间架起了一座信息化桥梁。

    The character of this system is setting up an information bridge between the graduates , laid-off workers and company , which contains the traditional students employment management , consulting management etc. .

  26. 办理中有何疑问,请向所在地劳动保障部门或省劳动就业管理中心外国人就业服务部咨询。

    Three copies should be submitted in one form . 's Employment Service Office of Jiangsu Province Labor and Employment Administration Center .

  27. 亲爱的走到尽头的人:“就业市场低迷的新闻铺天盖地,让人们觉得找到一份新工作似乎是一个不可能实现的目标,”再就业咨询行业巨头Challenger,Gray&Christmas公司首席执行官约翰·恰林杰说。

    Hitting a Brick Wall . Dear HBW : " The constant barrage of lackluster employment news can make finding a new job seem like an impossible goal , " says John Challenger , CEO of outplacement giant Challenger , Gray & Christmas .