
  • 网络McGonagall;meg;MAg
  1. 请别这样,麦格教授——他们是在找我。

    Please , Professor McGonagall -- they were looking for me .

  2. 麦格教授说,声音里带着冷冰冰的愤怒。

    Said Professor McGonagall , with cold fury in her voice .

  3. 她那些标新立异的举动,总使麦格感到不安。

    She was always scandalizing MEG by her queer performances .

  4. 儿科医生及育儿领域作家麦格•米克尔(MegMeeker)说,年轻人犯错误,也是他们自己成长的一种方式。

    Making mistakes is part of a young adult 's making her own way , says Meg Meeker , a pediatrician and author on parenting issues .

  5. Arup的合伙人罗里?麦格温(RoryMcGowan)说,这一建筑很可能会影响到中国今后其他新机场的设计。

    Rory McGowan , a partner at Arup , said the building would hopefully influence the design of new airports in China .

  6. 麦格早已完全忘了她脚疼的事,很快站了起来。

    Meg completely forgot about her foot and stood up quickly .

  7. 麦格,我想听一听你对这个项目的看法。

    Mag , I 'd like your opinion for this programme .

  8. 马奇太太坐在麦格耳边:把一切都告诉我。

    Mrs March sat beside Meg . 'Tell me everything . '

  9. 你早有'打算'吗,妈妈?麦格问。

    ' Do you have plans , Mother ? 'asked Meg .

  10. 麦格笑了。他在干什么?她问。

    Meg laughed . 'What was he doing ? 'she said .

  11. 一会儿工夫,麦格看见布鲁克先生站在门口。

    Soon after , Meg saw Mr Brooke by the door .

  12. 麦格教授用交织着惊愕和怀疑的目光看着他。

    She eyed him with a mixture of shock and suspicion .

  13. 我可不能把我的朋友麦格达一个人丢下来!

    I can 't leave my friend Magda on her own !

  14. 我想我们可以带上她,麦格说。

    We could take her , I suppose , began Meg .

  15. 请别这样,麦格教授他们是在找我。

    Please , Professor McGonagall & they were looking for me .

  16. 一秒钟后,麦格教授也出现了,抬着那东西的脚。

    Professor McGonagall appeared a second later , carrying its feet .

  17. 麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。

    Meg and Jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks .

  18. 麦格寄来了一封录取通知单&一份邀请书。

    McGonagall sends an acceptance letter & an invitation to attend .

  19. 没有年轻的先生,麦格说,劳瑞还是个孩子。

    There isnt one , said Meg.Laurie is only a boy .

  20. 别着急,艾米对正在哭泣的麦格说,

    Dont worry , Amy told Meg , who was crying .

  21. 麦格教授弯着腰,脸也差不多碰到猫了,眯着眼睛细细地看着。

    Professor McGonagall was bent almost as close , her eyes narrowed .

  22. 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇的影片。

    He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film .

  23. “这地方就是&”麦格教授低声说。

    " Is that where - ?" whispered Professor McGonagall .

  24. 麦格教授的声音颤抖地接着说。

    Professor McGonagall 's voice trembled as she went on .

  25. 邓布利多和麦格教授朝那卷毛毯俯下身去。

    Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall bent forward over the bundle of blankets .

  26. 麦格用手捂住脸哭了。

    Meg hid her face in her hands and cried .

  27. 琼,你怎么能这样做?麦格叫道。

    ' Jo , how could you ? 'cried Meg .

  28. 第二天,我和麦格一同乘校车去学校。

    Next day Meg and I got on the school bus together .

  29. 我也是,直到我受了伤,麦格说,

    Yes , until I hurt myself , said Meg .

  30. 琼给麦格讲述她的经历,然后她们就到家了。

    Jo told Meg her adventures , and then they were home .