
  • 网络bassinet;cradle;Baby Cradles
  1. 经四母亲推动婴儿摇篮时的哼唱。

    Even like a mother while rocking her baby 's cradle .

  2. 摇着婴儿摇篮的手,就是决定一个世界的手。

    The hand that rocks the cradle , is the hand that rules the world .

  3. 译文我们在这幅漫画中看到一个女人推着有六层婴儿摇篮的推车在一条城市的大街上走着,背景是两座摩天大楼。

    Basically , what we see in this cartoon is a woman pushing six floors of baby cradles on an urban street against the background of two skyscrapers .

  4. 婴儿在摇篮里被摇得睡着了。

    The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle .

  5. 群山环绕像在婴儿的摇篮里一样

    The mountains surrounding it felt like ... A cradle .

  6. 它是连接到婴儿的摇篮。

    It is attached to infant 's cradles .

  7. 婴儿在摇篮中很舒适。

    The baby is snug in its cradle .

  8. 我会很晚和朋友谈心,摇动生病婴儿的摇篮、避免独身生活。

    I 've stayed up communing with friends , rocking sick babies , avoiding celibacy .

  9. 她用脚轻轻摇晃着婴儿的摇篮直到孩子睡着。

    She swayed the baby 's cradle gently with her foot until the baby went to sound sleep .

  10. 它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。

    It was singing some kind of a lullaby * a lullaby that a mother would sing to her newborn child .

  11. 波尔多,球迷小伙们正在给一个法国婴儿唱摇篮曲让小孩睡觉。

    The lads were singing lullabies to a little baby in Bordeaux to try and get it to go to sleep .

  12. 母亲正对着婴儿哼着摇篮曲。

    The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby .

  13. 婴儿安睡在摇篮中。

    The baby slumbered in his cradle .

  14. 在滴鼻时要将婴儿抱成摇篮卧位。

    Hold the infant in cradle position when administering nose drops .

  15. 母亲正对婴儿哼着摇篮曲。

    lullaby The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby .

  16. 母亲把婴儿放在摇篮里。

    The mother laid her baby in a cradle .

  17. 她慈爱地把婴儿放在摇篮里。

    She cradled the baby tenderly .

  18. 然后她把睡着的婴儿放在摇篮里,顺着尼罗河走下去。

    Then she put her sleeping baby into the cradle and went down to the river Nile .

  19. 婴儿床或摇篮车需要组装好,保育室也需要一些贴画。

    The crib or bassinet needs assembling and the nursery needs a few more touches of paint .

  20. 英国国家统计局办公室暂时性的数据显示,无法解释的婴儿死亡(摇篮病)的数量正在下降。

    The number of unexplained infant deaths-or cot deaths-has been falling , provisional figures from the Office of National Statistics suggest .

  21. 加拿大政府正提案制定有关婴儿床、摇篮和摇篮车的法规,旨在修订现行的婴儿床和摇篮法规。

    The Canadian government is proposing the Cribs , Cradles and Bassinets Regulations with the intention of amending the current Cribs and Cradles Regulations .

  22. 飞行途中需用的婴儿食品及婴儿摇篮。

    Infant 's food for consumption in flight and infant 's carrying basket .

  23. 父亲想为婴儿做一个摇篮,于是这个饲料槽就派上这个用场了。

    The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby , but this manger would have to do .