首页 / 词典 / good

  • baby;infant
  • 才生下来的小孩儿:~儿。~孩。

  • 触,缠绕:~疾。


(婴儿) baby; infant:

  • 男[女]婴

    boy [girl] baby


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 婴季子

    Ying Jizi

  1. 我今天要去参加迎婴洗礼Norah有活要干

    You see , I have to this baby shower thing and Norah has a job .

  2. 现在,在欧洲的婴童市场,FOYODO已经成为了当之无愧的顶尖产品。

    Currently , in European baby product market , FOYODO has developed into the best product .

  3. 她想争取点时间,于是回答说:“好吧,亲爱的,是送婴鹳把你送来的。”

    She wanted to buy some time , so she replied , " Well , sweetie , the stork brought you . "

  4. 三维螺旋CT血管造影检查在连头婴显微分离手术中的应用

    Application of spiral computerized tomographic angiography in microsurgery of separating craniopagus twins

  5. 高效液相色谱法测定黄疸患婴血清中维生素B2

    Determination of Vitamin B_2 in the Serum of Icterus Diseased Infant by the High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  6. 3415例活产婴的G显带染色体研究

    A study of G-banded chromosomes in 3,415 liveborn infants

  7. 回访婴母产前静脉血HBV的检测结果;计数资料行χ2检验。

    Investigated the detection on HBV in the mother veins before delivery .

  8. CMV与HCV抗体阳性婴肝组比较,无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences between the CMV antibody positive and the HCV antibody positive groups .

  9. 本文分析32例ABO新生儿溶血病。占同期活产婴的0.5%,占高胆红素血症的13.5%。

    32 Cases of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn were analyzed , accounting for 0.5 % of the total live births , 13.5 % of them with hyperbilirubinemia .

  10. 第一部分婴儿肝炎综合征患儿周围神经损害的临床研究目的:探索婴儿肝炎综合征(简称婴肝)患儿血清维生素E对周围神经传导功能的影响。

    Part ⅰ A Clinical Study on Damage of Peripheral Nerves in Patients with Syndrome of Infantile Hepatitis 【 Objective 】 To explore the influence of vitamin E ( VitE ) concentration in serum to peripheral nerve conduction in patients with syndrome of infantile hepatitis .

  11. 结论婴母静脉血HBV大三阳是乙型肝炎病毒通过母婴垂直传播在胎儿心脏组织中表达的高危因素。

    Conclusion It is a high risk factor for the cardiac tissue of the dead fetus infected by HBcAg by maternal fetal transmission that HBV M ( HBcAg + HBeAg + HBcAb ) is positive expression in the blood of the parturients before delivery .

  12. 每时间段内按死婴出生后生存时间划分为<24h、~7d、~28d3个年龄组。

    Three age groups ( < 24 h , 2 to 7 days and 8 to 28 days ) were obtained in terms of the survival of the newborn infants in each period .

  13. 来看看NHS体系下鲍德斯医院的另一个例子。一名死婴错误地被医院登记为活着,孩子一岁生辰时,微笑幼儿口腔健康机构还给它的父母寄去了一张周岁生日卡片。

    In another NHS Borders case , a stillborn baby was wrongly recorded as being alive and the parents sent a first birthday card a year later by the Child Smile oral health initiative .

  14. 在不同病种中,婴儿肝炎综合征(婴肝)患儿CMV培养及IgM的阳性率为55%,支气管肺炎患儿CMV阳性率则高达80%,而6例其它病种患儿仅2例阳性。

    In different diseases , the positive rates of CMV isolation and anti-CMV IgM antibody were 55 % in infantile hepatitis syndrome and isolation of CMV was 80 % in pneumonitis and only 2 cases were positive in 6 other diseases .

  15. 24岁的皮驰斯将这张鬼手自拍传到了社交网站Instagram上,她深信照片中的“鬼手”属于某个女子的魂灵。100多年前,该女子在产出一个死婴后就在她住的房子里自杀身亡。

    Geldof , 24 , posted the spooky selfie on Instagram , and believes the haunting hand belongs to the spirit of a woman who committed suicide in her home 100 years ago after delivering a stillborn baby .

  16. 应用死后72h以内死婴皮植于9例大面积烧伤病人创面,以氧耗量作为其质量的监测指标,经实验与临床效果来探讨成活率与皮片氧耗量之间的相关性。

    The surface of wound of 9 cases large area burning patients were transplanted with dead infan skin within 72h , and survival quality was monitored with oxygen consumption to discuss correlation between skin graft survival rate and oxy-gen consumption .

  17. 方法对30例听力学检查正常的3月婴进行ABR和40HzAERP检测,总结其特点及ABR正常值范围,讨论性别、耳别对测试结果的影响。

    Methods ABR and 40 Hz AERP was performed at thirty cases of 3 - month infants who had passed the audiological tests and routine physical examination . The characters of test results and the normal was range of ABRs were summarized .

  18. 婴、幼儿组间血清PICP差异有非常显著性(P0.01),PICP与年龄、体重、身长呈显著负相关(P0.01),与体质指数无相关性(P0.05)。

    The difference of PICP between infants and toddlers group was significant at the level of ( P0.01 ) . PICP had a negative correlation with age , body weight and body length ( P0.01 ), but had no significant correlation with body mass index ( P0.05 ) .

  19. 我帮连体婴动分割手术得了医学奖。

    I get the medical award for separating the Siamese twins .

  20. 她拍死婴的照片被以为是不正常的行为。

    Her photographs of dead babies have been labelled as perverted .

  21. 生命的回归与拯救&论华滋华斯的孩婴情结

    The Restoration and Redemption of Life & On Wordsworth 's Child-Complex

  22. 连头婴显微分离手术中静脉窦的处理及重建

    Separation and reconstruction of the shared venous sinuses of craniopagus twins

  23. 数字减影全脑血管造影在连头婴显微分离术前及术中的应用

    Effect of digital subtract cerebral angiography on microsurgical separation of craniopagus

  24. 该委员会展开了调查,并勒令不得再举办抛婴仪式。

    The commission investigated and ordered that the baby-tossing be stopped .

  25. 贝因美集团:育婴专家成就婴童产业品牌

    BEINGMATE : Baby Expert Contribute to Brand of Infant Industry

  26. 在几个小时的痛苦之后,她产出一个死婴。

    After hours of suffering she was delivered of a dead baby .

  27. 死婴骨安瓿贮存法的临床应用

    Split-phase method clinical application of AMPOULE-PRESERVED bones from dead infant

  28. 葡萄膜血管解剖、生理、病理研究Ⅰ&尸婴和猕猴正常葡萄膜血管铸型扫描电镜观察

    Observation on the Casts of the Choroidal Vessels with Scanning Electron Microscopy

  29. 使大地把自已的幼婴吞掉,

    And make the earth devour her own sweet brood ;

  30. 预防免疫对阻断乙型肝炎父婴传播的临床研究

    Clinical study on prevention immunization of paternal-fetal transmission of hepatitis B virus