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  • 网络Life Today
  1. 你对自己提出什么新问题,好引出你今日生活的新的答案呢?

    What new question could you ask yourself to come up with new answers that can improve your life today ?

  2. 有赖于技术的革新,今日生活节奏比过去一个世纪有大幅度加快。

    Thanks to technology , the speed of life has drastically increased over the past century .

  3. 感恩让我们了解自己的过去,为今日的生活带来平静祥和,创造对明天的憧憬。

    Gratitude makes sense of our past , brings peace for today , and creates a vision for tomorrow .

  4. 易洛魁人在其中生活了四百余年,而且直至今日还生活于其中的整个社会制度,就是如此。

    That was the whole public constitution under which the Iroquois lived for over four hundred years and are still living today .

  5. 而且,因为我们今日的生活场面大都是人工地照亮起来的一个舞台,所以他的小说都是怪忠实于现代化生活的。说恰切些,是怪忠实现代心理的。

    And since the field of life is largely an artificially-lighted stage today , the stories were curiously true to modern life , to the modern psychology , that is .

  6. 它们使你失去今日的自由生活。

    They keep you from living a completely free life today .

  7. 同时研究表明,今时今日的高科技生活是人能长期保持思维敏捷。

    And , the researchers say , today 's high-tech life also helps keep you sharp .

  8. 这方面的材料文献十分丰富而又非常复杂,错综复杂了从古到今,从史前一直延续到今日的社会生活。

    The material literature in this respect is very abundant and very complicated , intricate from ancient times to the present , from extending to today 's social life prehistorically all the time .

  9. 今日许多人都生活在恐惧的桎梏下。

    Today many people are living in the bondage of fear .