
  • 网络Today is Our Valentine's Day
  1. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

    It 's Valentine 's Day and lurve is in the air .

  2. 不,才不是呢。今天是情人节。

    No , it 's not . it 's valentine 's day .

  3. 这个简单的问候,是先行者,今天的情人节礼物。

    That simple greeting was the forerunner of today 's Valentines Day .

  4. 曼尼今天是情人节

    Hey , Manny , it 's Valentine 's Day .

  5. 因为今天可是情人节哈

    Because it 's Valentine 's Day , huh ?

  6. 喜剧大师可今天是情人节啊

    A comedian ? It 's Valentine 's Day .

  7. 你们两个不要吵了,今天是情人节呀!

    Stop quarrelling , it 's valentine 's day !

  8. 今天不是情人节吧!

    Well well well . if it isn 't Mr. Valentine 's Day !

  9. 噢噢噢今天是情人节?

    Whoa , whoa , whoa . It 's Valentine 's Day today ?

  10. 今天是情人节,祝大家万事如愿。

    Today is lover 's day , May everything have everybody 's wish fulfilled .

  11. 今天是情人节,她一无所有

    I mean , it 's Valentine 's Day , and she has nothing .

  12. 今天,情人节也赢得了同样的中国的年轻人的喜爱。

    Nowdays , Valentine 's Day has won the same popularity among young Chinese people .

  13. 今天是情人节,我…

    You know , it being Valentine 's Day and all , I , uh --

  14. 因为今天是情人节。

    Because it is valentine 's day .

  15. 今天是情人节我约了我的女朋友瓦内萨。

    It 's valentine 's day today . I 'm taking out vanessa , my girlfriend .

  16. 让每天变得特别:考虑一下你想在情人节为她做什么,那么就把今天当作情人节来过。

    Make Today Special : Think about something that you would normally do for her on Valentine 's Day , and then do it today instead .

  17. 今天是情人节的,我不关心什么将发生,我要您知道什么我认为,谢谢。

    Today is Valentine 's Day , I don 't care what will happen , I just want you to know that what I am thinking , Thank you .

  18. 今天是中国的情人节,也叫七夕节。

    Today is the Chinese valentine 's day which is also called Qixi festival .