
qíng gē
  • love song;ballad;minnesong
情歌 [qíng gē]
  • (1) [minnesong]∶爱情歌曲的总称

  • (2) [love song]∶表现男女爱情的歌曲

情歌[qíng gē]
  1. 他是流行情歌之王。

    He was the king of the big love song .

  2. 自动唱机正在放一张乡间情歌唱片。

    A hillbilly love song was on the jukebox .

  3. 她的最新单曲唱片是一首情歌。

    Her latest single is a ballad .

  4. 在老情歌中June总是和moon成韵。

    June always rhymes with moon in old love songs .

  5. 乐队轮番献上浪漫情歌和劲歌热舞。

    The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers .

  6. 情歌哄骗我们去相信有勇救美人的英雄。

    Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor .

  7. 他即将推出一张情歌专辑。

    He is releasing an album of love songs .

  8. 凯茜在唱情歌的时候,你能感觉到她没有这方面的体验。

    When Cathy sings about love , you feel that she 's singing about something outside her experience .

  9. 《猜不透的巴黎》是他创作的最为优美动听的情歌之一。

    ' You Don 't Know Paris ' is one of the most beautiful ballads that he ever wrote .

  10. 黎族青年喜欢唱情歌。

    The Li nation youth are found of love songs .

  11. 烧录张CD,把你和你的宝贝都喜欢的情歌灌进去。

    Create a CD with love songs that you and your honey can enjoy .

  12. J·阿尔弗雷德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌与艾略特的智性活动

    On the Sensible Activity of the Poet in the Poem ″ The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock ″

  13. 享受三首情歌MV拼出来的烂片吧。

    Enjoy three Walking on sunshine montages .

  14. 自从LionelRichie单飞之后我还没见她那么高兴过呢(LionelRichie80年代成名的黑人情歌王子)

    I hadn 't seen my mother that happy since Lionel Richie went solo .

  15. 演唱会上,他将自己的一曲浪漫情歌AFacetoCallHome献给了女友凯蒂佩里,在全场歌迷(也包括女友本人)面前诉说在他咽喉手术后的恢复过程中,凯蒂如何陪在自己身边。

    Dedicating his romantic jam A Face to Call Home to girlfriend Katy Perry , sharing his feelings in front of a massive crowd ( and the singer herself ) how Katy stood by his side as he recovered from throat surgery .

  16. 劳动歌曲、圣歌和其他老版本的情歌故事,如skillingsviser也受到欢迎。

    Work songs , hymns , tralling vocals and old printed ballad stories , skillingsviser , have also been popular .

  17. 以为在HeriotWatt大学任职的心理学家开玩笑说:“我们也想把情歌作用在男性身上效果进行研究,只可惜现实中男性同胞对于情歌的作用反映太过迟钝,因为他们但凡看到约会对象往往不会拒绝!来者不拒!”

    Professor Adrian North , a psychologist at Heriot Watt University , said the influence of music on romance was harder to study in men . He explained : ' The danger is if you do the same experiment with blokes , all the men will say yes . "

  18. 民间情歌意象的文化心理解读

    An Interpretation of the Cultural Psychology of the Images in Folklores

  19. 我终于理解了这些荒谬的情歌了。

    All those ridiculous songs about love , I finally understood .

  20. 可她却用这一切,换来一首情歌!

    And she bartered them all for a song of love !

  21. 情歌,唱到心碎,唱到自己流泪时。

    Love songs singing heart breaking , singing his own tears .

  22. 本期节目叫做“为她写一首情歌。”

    Our episode is called " Writing a Love Song . "

  23. 邓丽君因其传唱的民歌和浪漫情歌而广为人知。

    Teng was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads .

  24. 不久,我又会听到那古老的冬天情歌。

    And soon I will heard again the old winter song .

  25. 你不能出错,这些经典的情歌。

    You can 't go wrong with these Classic Love Songs .

  26. 他将唯一的期望寄托在一首复合情歌上。

    He is only counting on a love song for resconciliation .

  27. 一首情歌,恰好就是谱成曲子的爱抚。

    A love song is just a caress set to music .

  28. 他给我唱了一首美丽的危地马拉的情歌。

    He serenaded me with a beautiful oid GuatemaIan love song .

  29. 让我畅饮心灵甜美的情歌。

    Let me drink of the spirit of that sweet sound .

  30. 情歌分析、速配、在线聊天。

    Subjects include love song analysis , speed-dating and online chatting .