
  • 网络The Lovers;Amantes
  1. 情人们在树上挖凿出他们的名字。

    The lovers gouged out their names on the tree .

  2. 在街道上:孩子们在街上哭叫,情人们哭泣着,而诗人还在幻想。

    And in the streets : the children screamed , The lovers cried , and the poets dreamed .

  3. 母亲们,情人们还在等待。

    They also served who sit and wait , mothers , sweethearts .

  4. 我的情人们,你知道我们都是凡人。

    My loves , you know we are mortals .

  5. 情人们至今仍将他们的名字写在纸片上,

    Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper

  6. 情人们和疯子们都有这样发热的头脑。

    Lovers and madmen have such seething brains .

  7. 2000多年前,古罗马人就开始庆祝情人们的节日。

    The ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers more than 2000 years ago .

  8. 如今,情人们仍在情人节这天把她们的名字写在一张张纸条上。

    Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper on Valentine 's Day .

  9. 在夜晚,情人们来到这儿拥抱接吻。

    Lovers come here at night to neck .

  10. 这是情人们的节日。

    It is a holiday for lovers .

  11. 晨歌是情人们在黎明分手时所唱的歌;

    The aubads , or song the lover sings on leaving his beloved at dawn ;

  12. 这些情人们会常以亲密的方式成双结对直到下一次的卢帕卡尼亚节。

    These couples would be paired up until the next Lupercalia , often in intimate ways .

  13. 情人们在周围和眼前这样的世界里爱恋着,怀着希望。

    And lovers , with such a world around them and before them , loved and hoped .

  14. 情人们之所以不会彼此感到厌倦,是因为老是在谈他俩儿自己的事情。

    The reason lovers are never weary of each other is because they are always talking about themselves .

  15. 很多这样的野餐都是田园诗一般,为书中两情相悦的情人们提供了一个互送秋波、情话绵绵的完美浪漫背景。

    Many were idyllic , and they were just the setting for romantic exchanges and furtive looks between lovers .

  16. 从前,情人们只被允许在客厅或是门廊的秋千旁倾诉爱情,如今却能在私家汽车里进行。

    Couples formerly were granted the family parlor or porch swing for courting , today they have the family automobile .

  17. 由于自己错误地像这类人闲了殷勤&准备早餐,所以不幸的情人们就得承受这殷勤招致的责难。

    Lovers unfortunate enough to prepare breakfast for such types must brace themselves for the recriminations due to all false flatterers .

  18. 处于这个阶段的女性想从婚姻的束缚中把自己解放出来,从而能花更多的时间和她们的情人们在一起。

    Women at this stage want to free themselves of the restrictions of marriage and spend more time with their lovers .

  19. 于是我知道妻子和情人们要学的东西其实相当一致。

    I knew then that wives and mistresses , if they learn anything at all , learn pretty much the same things .

  20. 将产品贴上爱情标签,使哈根达斯俨然成为情人们的爱情信物和感情见证人。

    Love the product label affixed to H ä agen Dazs has become an intelligence people 's feelings and love Token witnesses .

  21. 表达感激之情人们的最喜欢和欣赏的方式之一是通过一张美丽的感恩节卡片。

    One of the most preferred and appreciated way of expressing gratitude is to say it through a beautiful Thanksgiving Day Card .

  22. 鲜花店,卡片店,和巧克力店,在这天的生意会非常好,情人们会涌进商店来买象征着他们爱情的东西。

    Florists , card shops , and chocolate vendors are all doing a raging business as lovers rush to purchase tokens of their affection .

  23. 爱之颂:微风中的飞燕,鼓动著翅膀逍遥自在的飞翔,绮丽的田园情调、轻快的浪漫乐曲,彷佛是为了情人们,隽永的爱情做见证。

    Song of love : flying swallows waving wings on breeze freely , music of a gorgeous field with brisk and romantic rhythm like testimony for lovers .

  24. 在这天,家庭成员们和情人们都团聚在一起,共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。

    It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon & an auspicious symbol of abundance , harmony and luck .

  25. 位于阿根廷和巴西边界的伊瓜苏大瀑布&传说一位神灵创造了这些瀑布,为了让一些绝望的情人们永恒地缀落于这些瀑布之中。

    Iguazu Falls , Argentina and Brazil – Legend has it that a god created these falls in order for some desperate lovers to plummet into them eternally .

  26. 到了十八世纪中期,所有社会阶层的亲朋好友以及情人们之间彼此交换感情信物或者亲手写就的文字已经非常普遍了。

    By the middle of the eighteenth century , it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes .

  27. 但是他仍同时服从情人们那种怯弱和谨慎的本能,不再往前移动。

    Still , he did not pass in front of it any more , in obedience to the instinct of timidity and to the instinct of prudence common to lovers .

  28. 我想并不是只有好天气才能给情人们好的心情,即使是在阴雨天气,只要和爱人在一起,就是快乐的。

    I think not only the fine weather can give people warm mood , even on cold raining day , once couple stays together , they can stil be happy .

  29. 在西方国家,这是情人们表达爱意的传统日子,互寄情人节卡片、互赠鲜花或糖果。

    In the West , it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine 's cards , presenting flowers , or offering confectionery .

  30. 唱情歌是情人们表达爱意的一种形式,有时男性会籍著唱情歌向爱人求婚,尤其在情人节这种有意义的日子,更为常见。

    Singing love songs to express love is for lovers , sometimes a form of male membership to propose the sing love songs lover , especially in valentine 's day this meaningful day , more common .