
  • 网络Forbidden Love
  1. 然而,当我想到他们在灾难中的坚韧,在战火里的勇气,在胜利时的谦虚,我满怀的钦佩之情不禁油然而生。

    But when I think of his patience under adversity , of his courage under fire , and of his modesty in victory . I am filled with an emotion of admiration I cannot put into words .

  2. 杰西杰克逊是一位长期的民权人士,当奥巴马胜选的消息被公布后,他难以控制自己的喜悦之情,不禁泪流满面。

    Jesse Jackson , a long term civil rights activist , was overcome by emotion as the victory was announced , and tears of joy streamed down his face .