
  • 网络emotional language;emotive language
  1. 商务谈判中的情感语言

    Emotional Language in the Business Negotiations

  2. 如果父亲和女儿说的甚至不是同一种情感语言,那他们该怎么做?

    What are a father and daughter to do if they don 't even speak the same emotional language ?

  3. 而理查兹声称诗歌是情感语言的最高形式。

    Richards claims that poetry is the supreme form of emotive language .

  4. 我们用情感语言来表达自己的态度和感情。

    We use emotive language to express our own attitudes and feelings .

  5. 审美&情感语言意义表达的多向追求

    Flexibility and Versatility of Meaning Expression of Aesthetic-emotive Language

  6. 语言符号系统中,有理论认知语言和审美情感语言两大符号系统。

    In semiotic system of language there are two semiotic systems : Theoretic-cognitive language and aesthetic-emotive language .

  7. 它是一种情感语言,它所表达的是一种人类内在生命中某些极为复杂的感受。

    It is an emotional language ; it expresses is in one kind of human intrinsic life certain extremely complex feeling .

  8. 利用材料的性能和情感语言可以展现包装的内在美与视觉美,而良好的设计则有利于销售。

    By employing the properties of materials and emotional language , the inner beauty and visual beauty of package is displayed .

  9. 黑白摄影的特殊语言涉及到黑白灰的造型语言、情感语言和关系语言三个方面。

    The special language involves three aspects : black , white and gray moulding language , emotional language and relation language .

  10. 感叹词是一种比较特殊的话语成分,通常被认为是一类特别的情感语言。

    Interjections are a kind of special discourse constituent , which are generally regarded as a typical case of emotional language .

  11. 我们还用情感语言来说服别人像我们一样相信某事,或说服他们按照我们的要求去做某事;

    We also direct emotive language at other people to persuade them to believe as we do or to do as we want them to do ;

  12. 艺术语言作为一种情感语言,一方面它要体现作者主观的情感和对真、善、美的追求;

    Artistic language as a kind of emotional language , one hand , it must reflect author 's subjective emotion and the desire of truth , kindness and beauty ;

  13. 大多数劝说都用情感语言表述,意旨在于唤起我们的情感,而不在于要我们仔细推敲斟酌。

    Most of this persuasion is couched in emotive language and is intended to appeal to our feelings rather than to be weighed up by our powers of reasoning .

  14. 通过对文献的研究和广告实例的总结分析,本文将广告设计感性诉求的情感语言分为:原始情感语言、体验情感语言、文化情感语言和其他情感语言四个类别。

    By literature review and advertising case study , this thesis divides the emotional languages in emotional advertising appeals into four categories : original language , experience language , cultural language , and other language .

  15. 根据情境界定理论和语体转换理论,分析教师在不同情境中的言语行为特色,将课堂教学过程分为课堂教学仪式、课程知识讲授以及情感语言表达三大部分。

    According to the Definition of the Situation and the Conversion of Language Style , analysis teachers ' speech features in different situations , segment the classroom teaching into three parts : the ceremony of classroom teaching , the teaching of course knowledge and the expression of emotional language .

  16. 丙;音乐是人类交流情感的语言。

    Music is the language for mankind to convey feelings .

  17. 论情感和语言在英语教学上的作用

    The Functions of Emotion and Language In English Teaching

  18. 音乐是一种可以表达文字无法触及之情感的语言。

    The music is a language that can express what the words can not .

  19. 情感和语言里的情感语义成分

    Emotions and Emotive Semantic Component of Language

  20. 秘诀在于搞清楚那些笼罩着隐藏情感的语言和非语言的线索。

    The trick is to figure out the verbal and non-verbal cues that are masking concealed emotions .

  21. 积极的情感促进语言学习,消极的情感阻碍语言学习。

    Positive emotions will improve students ' learning , while negative emotions will bring barriers to language learning .

  22. 人类有两种方式表达情感:语言上的和非语言上的。

    Generally speaking , there are two ways through which human beings convey affect & nonverbal and verbal .

  23. 从使用富有情感的语言打开学生的心扉角度进行情感性分析。

    The article stresses to analyze emotion by means of emotional language to open the students ' mind .

  24. 情感在语言学习中作用也早就引起国外研究者的关注。

    The effects of affective factors on language learning have been noticed by foreign researchers for quite a long time .

  25. 心理语言学研究表明,认知和情感是语言学习和教学中不可分割的两个方面。

    Psycho-linguistics studies have shown that cognition and affect are two of the indispensable aspects in foreign language learning and teaching .

  26. 然而,在高中,学生的情感与语言学习的关系不太引起人们的注意。

    However , in the senior middle schools , less attention is paid to English learners ' affect in language learning .

  27. 认知和情感在语言教学课堂内不是相对立的,而是相辅相承的。

    In the process of teaching and learning a language , cognition and affect are not contrary , but complementary to each other .

  28. 再次,对研究样本的语言进行分析,揭示出语言充满战争色彩、凝聚了强烈情感、语言风格倾向于通俗三大特点。

    Again , the language of the study sample revealed that the language is full of war color , strongly emotion , popular .

  29. 孤独症是一种涉及感知觉、情感、语言、思维、动作和行为等多方面的广泛性发育障碍疾病。

    Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder with the main symptoms of perception , emotion , speech , cognition , behavior and other disorders .

  30. 上周五公布的一项研究表明,坐童车背对父母的宝宝今后可能会出现情感和语言方面的长期障碍。

    Children pushed in buggies which face away from their parents may suffer long-term emotional and language problems , according to a study published on Friday .