
  • 网络love hotel
  1. 尽管日本正处于二战以来最深切的经济衰退之中,该国的情人旅馆业却一片繁荣景象。

    Even in the midst of Japan 's deepest economic recession since World War II , the country 's love hotel industry is thriving .

  2. 最引人注目的情人旅馆在大阪,有一家情人旅馆的主题为HelloKitty,并有一间以旋转木马为特色的房间。

    The flashiest love hotels are found in Osaka , including a Hello Kitty-themed hotel and one with room featuring a meny-go-round .

  3. 随着时间的推移,情人旅馆的坏名声消退了。

    The bad image that love hotels had has faded over time .

  4. 该公司在东京的情人旅馆设计师山本贵也同意这样的说法。

    Takashi Yamamoto , who designs love hotels in Tokyo , agreed .

  5. 东京的情人旅馆相对循面矩,他们把注意力集中在为客人提供方便上。

    Tokyo hotels tend to be tamer , focused on winning customers with amenities .

  6. 据曼斯菲尔德的公司估计,日本情人旅馆业的年收人可达400亿美元。

    Mansfield 's company estimates the industry in Japan pulls in $ 40 billion a year in revenue .

  7. 不过,据曼斯菲尔德说,日本人羞于人住情人旅馆的日子已经一去不复返了。

    The days of Japanese being ashamed to enter love hotels are coming to an end , though , Mansfield said .

  8. 尽管法律规定情人旅馆必须设有前台,但是大多数情人旅馆在租住房间时不需要和旅馆职员讲话。

    Though required by law to have a front desk , most can be rented and entered without talking to a clerk .

  9. 在一个人口高度密集通常意味着情侣少有时间单独相处的国家,情人旅馆填补了人们对私有空间的需求。

    Love hotels fill a need for privacy in a country where high population density often means couples have little time alone .

  10. 不管出于什么原因,情人旅馆的生意一直很火。曼斯菲尔德最近去了伦敦,他想寻找投资人来扩展自己的业务。

    Whatever the reasons , the hotels have been doing well enough that Mansfield recently went to London , seeking investors to expand .

  11. 一个拒绝被提及姓名的男人说:“当我喝醉了却不想回家的时候,我会去情人旅馆。”

    One man , who declined to be named , said : " I go to love hotels when I'mdrunk and don 't feel like going home . "

  12. 有一位拒绝透露姓名的男士说,“我有时喝醉了不想回家,就到情人旅馆去。”

    One man , who declined to be named , said : " I go to love hotels when I 'm drunk and don 't feel like going home .