
  • 网络Emotional support;emotion support
  1. 如果你真的想过一种健康的生活方式,那么和那些能给你提供适当情感支持的人在一起是非常重要的。

    If you 're serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle , it 's extremely important to surround yourself with people who 'll provide you with the proper emotional support .

  2. 向在乎你的人寻求情感支持。

    Get emotional support from people who care about you .

  3. 分析APACHE评分与压力因子的相关性。结果与非单间病人比较,单间ICU病人对死亡的担忧更加强烈,更加渴望家庭情感支持;

    Results Differ from the General ICU patients , the Independent ICU patients are afraid of death firstly , and anxious for Family Emotion Provides .

  4. 她以无数种方式给予他情感支持和实际支持。

    She offered him emotional and practical support in countless ways .

  5. 妇女小组的情感支持功能

    On the Emotional Support of Women Group in Family Violence

  6. 情感支持往往是一个人从配偶那里所能指望到的最大支持了。

    Emotional support is often as far as spouses are expected to go .

  7. 白领应该有一个广泛的社会网络连接和情感支持。

    White collars should have a wide social network for connections and emotional support .

  8. 情感支持的影响作用大于认知支持和行为支持。

    Feelings support influenced more than cognition support and far more than acting support .

  9. 巨蟹忠心耿耿、爱意绵绵,总能给予对方强烈的情感支持。

    The Cancer is loyal and affectionate , and will show strong emotional support .

  10. 原访谈结果中的情感支持策略没有成为公共因子。

    The feeling-sharing strategy in the original interview was not taken as a common factor .

  11. 工作关系则只提供极少数的社交和情感支持。

    The ties from workplace only provide two kinds of support of emotion and companionship .

  12. 年龄较大的人提供的是情感支持和社交支持,而年轻人更多地提供实际支持。

    The elderly provide emotional support and social companionship while the young provide instrumental support .

  13. 这也需要来自你家庭的情感支持,尤其是你的父亲。

    But in this you will need emotional support from your family , particularly your father .

  14. 给家人提供情感支持。

    Provide emotional support to family .

  15. 一旦需要情感支持,你们能推心置腹吗?在周围没有人的时候,推心置腹的好好谈谈。

    When it comes time for emotional support , are you able to share that intimacy ?

  16. 他说:“有些人带着给予他们情感支持的动物,有些人则带着给予情感支持的衬衫。”

    Some people have emotional-support animals . Some people have emotional-support shirts , ' he said .

  17. 他说:有些人带着给予他们情感支持的动物,有些人则带着给予情感支持的衬衫。

    ' Some people have emotional-support animals . Some people have emotional-support shirts , ' he said .

  18. 认为给予病人全程情感支持是护理的重要措施。

    The author suggests that sentimental support is an important step in the whole course of nursing .

  19. 互联网也成为存在健康问题的人们获得情感支持的重要来源。

    The Internet has also become an important source of emotional support for people with health problems .

  20. 结论针对老年骨折病人的抑郁状况,给予正性心理护理和情感支持,能增强病人治病信心,促进康复。

    Conclusion The aged patients with fractures should be cared with mental nursing to promote fracture healing .

  21. 已婚者提供的是情感支持和实际支持,而单身者则提供交往支持。

    The married network members provide emotional support and instrumental support and the singers provide social companionship .

  22. 妇女支持小组是为受家庭暴力伤害妇女提供情感支持的一种工作方法。

    Women support group is set up to provide emotional support for the victims of family violence .

  23. 我们的确会对朋友有所求——情感支持、关注以及在我们需要之时伸出援手。

    We do want something from friends -- emotional support , attention , a hand when we need one .

  24. 支持程度由高到低依次为情感支持、信息支持、物质支持、认同价值和关心利益;

    They were emotional support , informational support , material support , value recognition and care support by descending order .

  25. 探讨情感支持在脊髓损伤伴功能障碍病人中的应用效果。

    Objective : To probe into the effect of application of emotional support for spinal cord injury patients with dysfunction .

  26. 富有同情心的医疗承诺包括在患病中对我们的患者给予尊重和家属需求的情感支持。

    A commitment to compassionate care includes a respect for our patients'and their families'need for emotional support during their illnesses .

  27. 这样,宠物不仅给了孩子社交和情感支持,也能帮他们学习认知语言技能。

    In this way , pets give not only social and emotional support but also cognitive language skill support to children .

  28. 教师情感支持对学生学习能力的提高和心理健康方面起到积极的作用。

    The emotional support from teacher play an active role in improving the students ' learning abilities and mental health aspects .

  29. 取得家庭、朋友及医疗机构等对患者的情感支持,以减轻疾病和治疗给患者造成的病痛和心理压力。

    And ( 4 ) to gain the emotive support to the patients from their families and friends and from some medical institutions .

  30. 社会关系网主要是通过强关系对企业提供资金帮助以及对企业主提供情感支持和理解。

    Social network , especially the strong ties can provide financial help for the firm and give emotional support for the private entrepreneurs .