
  1. 德育过程中的情感陶冶客观与主观:当代课程哲学的两种知识观评析

    Objectivity and Subjectivity : An Analysis of Two Theories of Knowledge in Modern Curriculum Philosophy

  2. 古诗词教学是对学生进行知识传授、思想教育和情感陶冶的重要途径。

    Teaching ancient poetry is an important channel to impart knowledge , cultivate ideology education and edify the emotion .

  3. 潜在课程本身的特点决定了它具有认识导向功能、情感陶冶功能、行为规范功能。

    The characteristics of potential course itself determine that it has the functions of knowledge guidance , emotional edifying and behavior criterion .

  4. 德育工作方法应以行为实践法、自我教育法、情感陶冶法为主;

    The methods of moral education should mainly contain the behavior practice method , the self education method and the emotion molding method .

  5. 隐性德育对学生思想品德的形成和发展的作用突出表现在认识导向功能、情感陶冶功能、行为规范功能等方面。

    In developing and forming the students moral character , concealed moral education can well represent in the functions of recognition guidance , feeling edify and behavior criterion .

  6. 面对这种现状,我们必须改变对高中语文教学的的认知状况,将情感陶冶纳入到语文教学,使之构成其基本任务。

    Face with this situation , we must change the status of high school language teaching cognitive , make emotional mold into the Chinese teaching , and constitutes the basic task .

  7. 美育的目的:调和情感、陶冶意志、提高审美能力;

    Secondly , the purpose of aesthetic education , harmonizing sensibilities , edifying will and advancing the ability of aesthetic ;

  8. 中国写意人物画有悠久的历史,一直都是历代文人抒发情感、陶冶情操的载体。

    China freehand brushwork figure painting has a long history . Chinese painting is a carrier for scholars to express feelings and to edify sentiment .

  9. 阅读教学模式的构建,既要有利于学生学习语文,又要使学生受到优秀文化的熏陶,高尚情感的陶冶,培育爱美的情趣;

    The construction of reading paradigm is not only helpful for students to learn Chinese , but make them influenced by the wonderful culture , cultivate their esthetics .

  10. 构成审美教育的内容与形式的三要素是审美知识的教育、审美形式感的培养与审美情感的陶冶。

    It holds the three element of aesthetic education are the education of aesthetic knowledge , the cultivating of feeling of aesthetic form and the edifying of aesthetic feeling .

  11. 音乐的悲剧美作为音乐美学的审美形态之一,可以激发人们化悲痛为力量,在道德上震撼人心,使情感得到陶冶,是崇高美的集中体现。

    As one of the aesthetic forms of music aesthetics , the tragedy beauty of music can make people turn sorrow into strength , excite people 's mind morally and refine people 's sentiment .

  12. 旅游地理课程的开设有助于学生将来更好的适应社会,同时能够培养学生的爱国情感,陶冶学生的审美情操,塑造健全的人格和高尚的道德情感,对学生的身心健康发展具有重要意义。

    The opening of tourism geography courses helps students adapt better to society , cultivates their patriotic emotion , cultivates their aesthetic sentiments , shapes a healthy personality and noble moral feelings , it is of great significance to the development of students ' physical and mental health .

  13. 语文课应当既传授知识,又让学生获得情感上的陶冶,可以说语文审美教育是素质教育的需要。

    Chinese classes should not only impart knowledge , allowing students to cultivate emotional it can be said that aesthetic education is the quality of Chinese education .

  14. 思想政治课的教育固然是向学生传授与社会发展要求相一致的道德知识,但更重要的是情感、人格的陶冶过程,是精神享受的过程,是提升生命质量的过程。

    The education of this course is to teach student moral knowledge which conforms to social development . But more importantly , it is educational processes for students ' emotion and personality , for their spirit enjoyment , and for improving their living quality .

  15. 真正的语文课程,应该是体验课程,在学习中让学生体验到美好的情感、自由的态度、博爱的精神,让学生在情感陶冶和心灵塑造方面有所裨益。

    The real Chinese course is supposed to experience the course , in which students can feel the pretty emotion , the free attitude and love spirit . This is beneficial for students to reform their emotions and restructure their minds .

  16. 本文阐述化学教学过程中的情感教学设计的一些观点,试图激发、培养学生学习化学的兴趣,帮助学生形成科学的态度,促进学生发展良好的情感,陶冶学生优良的意志品质。

    The writer expounds some viewpoints of on emotion in chemistry teaching and tries to arouse and train students interest in learning chemistry , help them shape scientific attitude , promote them to develop good emotions , cultivate their excellent will and quality .