
  1. 古典文献整理研究与当代意识

    Research Into Ancient Chinese Literature and Modern Consciousness

  2. 从中国古典文献学研究领域来说,北朝墓志具有十分重要的文献价值、地位与意义。

    The Northern Dynasties ' Epitaphs have very important literature value , high status and great significance in the field of Chinese classical bibliography research .

  3. 建议遵循继承与发展的原则进行证候规范化工作,首先是继承,即在梳理古典文献和现代研究成果的基础上,建立一套比较规范的症状和证候诊断标准,不必求全但求实。

    The author proposes that the principle of " inheritance and development " be applied in syndrome differentiation . " Inheritance " means establishing a set of standardized diagnosis criteria based on a careful study of ancient medical literature and achievements in modern researches .