
  • 网络Everton FC;Goodish Park;Goodison Park Stadium
  1. 事实上我在古迪逊公园球场进过一些球。

    I scored a few at Goodison , actually .

  2. 在利物浦的最好记忆是在古迪逊公园球场击败埃弗顿。

    The best memory I have in Liverpool is when we beat Everton at Goodison Park .

  3. 凯利认为在做客古迪逊公园球场之前拿到三分对红军是很重要的。

    Kelly believes it was imperative the Reds collected three points before travelling to Goodison Park .

  4. 布鲁克纳透露,他在周六将和主教练罗伊霍奇森坐下来讨论,决定托雷斯是否可以首发出现在古迪逊公园球场。

    Brukner revealed he will sit down with manager Roy Hodgson on Saturday when a final decision will be made whether Torres can start at Goodison Park .

  5. 据警方透露,窃贼通过房子的后门进入室内的,当时范德梅德正在埃弗顿队的古迪逊公园球场参加与西班牙甲级球队毕尔巴鄂竞技队之间的一场热身赛。

    Burglars broke in through a back door while Van der Meyde was playing a testimonial match against Spain 's Athletic Bilbao at Everton 's Goodison Park , police said .