
  1. 古新世&始新世极热事件与地球系统的自我调节:Gaia理论的应用

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the self-regulation of Earth system : an application of the Gaia theory

  2. 昆栏树科Nordenskioldia属在新疆阿勒泰古新统的发现及其意义

    Discovery of nordenskioldia ( trochodendraceae ) from the Paleocene of altai , Xinjiang and Its Implications

  3. 云龙组单元的水动力面貌基本雷同于上白垩统。古新世,水头值约0.3m~2.0m。

    The hydrodynamic features of Yunlong Formation unit was similar to that of Upper Cretaceous and the difference of the head of water was about 0.3 m ~ 0.2 m during Palaeocene .

  4. 古新世始新世最热事件(PETM,Paleocene-EoceneThermalMaximum)是发生在古新世始新世交界时的一次全球性的气候突变事件。的影响极大。

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ( PETM ) event is an abrupt climate change event that occurred at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary . The event led to a sudden reversal in ocean overturning along with an abrupt rise in sea surface salinity ( SSSs ) and atmospheric humidity .

  5. 它们分属于晚白垩世早期、晚白垩世&古新世。

    Their ages may be early Late Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous-Paleocene .

  6. 古新世的格陵兰岛西海岸;

    Paleocene , the west coast of Greenland ( Fig. 1-5 );

  7. 盆地内古新统-始新统为河流相沉积;

    The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ;

  8. 古新统泥岩的母岩主要为酸性岩浆岩。

    The provenance of Paleocene mudstone may mainly be acidic rocks .

  9. 生活于古新世至始新世的小型原始有蹄动物目。

    Small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and eocene .

  10. 晚古新世丽水凹陷经历了两次较大规模的海侵。

    During Late Paleocene there were two greater transgressions in the sag .

  11. 论塔里木盆地西部海相古新统划分

    The stratigraphic division of the marine Paleocene in the Western Tarim Basin

  12. 在温泉山庄过新年是顶棒的。酒泉盆地晚白垩世&古新世构造特征

    A study on characteristics of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene structures in Jiuquan Basin

  13. 准噶尔盆地北缘古新世和始新世地层的划分及其时代

    The division of Paleocene and Eocene deposits in the northern Junggar Basin

  14. 中国东部的古新统我国东喜马拉雅区鬼笔科的研究

    Notes on PHALLACEAE from the eastern Himalayan region of China

  15. 塔里木盆地西部白垩纪-古新世有孔虫群落的划分及其环境意义

    Cretaceous Paleocene Foraminiferal Communities from the Western Tarim Basin and Their Environmental Significance

  16. 古新世&始新世界线全球构造事件在沉积学中的反映

    The reflections of global tectonics events at the Paleocene Eocene boundary in Sedimentology

  17. 东海盆地丽水凹陷古新统沉积岩的稀土元素地球化学特征

    The REE geochemical characteristics of Paleocene-Eocene in the Lishui sag of the Donghai Basin

  18. 安徽古新世蜥蜴类新材料

    New materials of Palaeocene lizards of Anhui

  19. 中东古新世高地饱压差油藏不稳定注水模型研究

    Model study of unstable water injection for Middle East Paleocene reservoir with high formation-saturation pressure difference

  20. 柴达木盆地北缘结绿素&红山地区古新统至中新统沉积相

    Sedimentary facies of the Paleocene-Miocene in Jiel ü su-Hongshan area in north margin of Qaidam Basin

  21. 丽水凹陷晚古新世海平面变化及有利储层分布预测

    Late Paleocene sea-level fluctuations and prediction of favourable reservoirs in Lishui sag , east China Sea Basin

  22. 塔里木盆地古新世海进特征与石膏成因模式

    The feature of transgression and genetic model of the gypsum of Palaeogene in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang

  23. 东海陆架盆地西部坳陷带的中生界和古新统油气远景

    Petroleum prospects of Mesozoic and Paleocene in the western depression of the East China Sea Shelf Basin

  24. 准噶尔盆地南缘呼2井晚白垩世、古新世轮藻植物群的发现及其意义

    Discovery of Cretaceous and Paleocene CHAROPHYTE floras from well Hu-2 in the southern edge of Junggar Basin

  25. 安徽古新世的龟类

    Paleocene turtles from Anhui

  26. 古新混生古储中堵式成气组合;

    The gas reservoir assemblage with Paleozoic and Cenozoic mixing source rocks , Paleozoic storing and Mesozoic blocking ;

  27. 古新世&始新世最热事件对地球表层循环的影响及其触发机制

    The Impacts of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ( PETM ) Event on Earth Surface Cycles and Its Trigger Mechanism

  28. 结绿素-红山地区古新统至中新统发育2种沉积相类型,即冲积扇和辫状河。

    There are two types of sedimentary facies in this region : the alluvial fan and the braided fluvial river .

  29. 这是首次将定量的沉积相研究方法应用于柴达木盆地的古新统至中新统。

    It is the first time to apply this method to study sedimentary facies of the Paleocene-Miocene in the Qaidam Basin .

  30. 盆地内古新统始新统为河流相沉积;笺注上古文献的新视角评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》

    The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ; New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents ;