
  1. 基于SPN模型的分布式动漫渲染系统架构分析

    SPN-Based Analysis of Distributed Rendering System 's Infrastructures

  2. 基于集群计算技术的数字动漫渲染技术已成为动漫产业发展的主流,其研究与应用是解决动漫产业发展计算瓶颈的主要方法。

    Digital animation rendering technique based on cluster computing has become the mainstream of the development of animation industry .

  3. 所谓动漫渲染的过程,如同一个陶瓷作品烘制出炉的过程。

    " The so-called animation rendering process , as a ceramics baked baked process . " Colleagues Culture Communication Co.

  4. 一些日本动漫由于渲染极端暴力和性主题而声名狼藉。

    Some manga comics are notorious for featuring extreme violence and sexual themes .

  5. 高品质的画面是每一个动漫创意者的共同追求,而动漫渲染正是将创意变成现实的高效快捷的手段。

    Each high-quality picture is a common pursuit of animation and creative person , and animation rendering ideas into reality is the quick and efficient means .