
  • 【生态】dynamic steady state
  1. 一是构建由复制方程所描述的微分动力系统模型,利用相平面及数值解对系统的平衡点及其稳定性进行分析,这种方法可以显示系统的时问动态和进化稳定状态。

    One is the differential dynamical system described by replicator equations , the phase plane and numerical solution are used to analyze the equilibria and their stability . This approach can show the temporal dynamics and evolutionary stable state .

  2. 多agent敏捷虚拟企业的态势是一个信息不对称下的协作态势,盟员企业间得意关系失衡或失损关系的失衡均可形成动态联盟的不稳定状态。

    The state of multi-agent agile enterprise is a coordinate state under the asymmetry condition . The loss or revenue of leaguer enterprise can cause the instability of the alliance .

  3. 在21世纪初的今天,在我国社会向现代化逐步迈进的过程中,我们所需要的正是这种动态发展的政治稳定状态。

    Today , at the beginning of the 21st century , during the course of our march into modernization , what we need is just the state of dynamic political stability .

  4. 然而,在他们向稳定状态过渡的过程中大多数系统展示动态行为,而稳定状态也可能会产生一些被稳定状态分析计算出来的执行偏差。

    Yet , most systems exhibit dynamic behavior on their way to ( or sometimes even during ) the steady state that may produce a deviation in performance from that computed by steady state analysis .