
  • 网络Candesartan;Candesartan cilexetil;Atacand
  1. 硝苯地平控释片和坎地沙坦低剂量联合治疗原发性高血压:NICE联合(硝苯地平和坎地沙坦联合)研究

    Controlled - release nifedipine and candesartan low - dose combination therapy in patients with essential hypertension : The NICE Combi ( Nifedipine and Candesartan Combination ) Study

  2. 结论:坎地沙坦联合螺内酯治疗对轻中度慢性收缩性心力衰竭患者的LV逆重构有明显益处。

    Conclusions : The addition of spironolactone to candesartan has significant beneficial effects on LV reverse remodeling in patients with mild-to-moderate chronic systolic HF .

  3. 坎地沙坦能明显降低血浆ET、ANP的水平,这可能是血管紧张肽Ⅱ受体拮抗药治疗CHF的机制之一。

    It may reduce the plasma levels of ET and ANP significantly .

  4. 资料来自坎地沙坦于心衰病死率及发病率减少的评价(CHARM)。

    They used data from the Candersartan in Heart failure : Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity ( CHARM ) Programme .

  5. 慢性心衰伴和不伴左室收缩功能障碍患者中心房纤颤和临床事件发生风险:来自坎地沙坦降低心衰发病率和死亡率评估(CHARM)研究的结果

    Atrial Fibrillation and Risk of Clinical Events in Chronic Heart Failure With and Without Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction . Results From the Candesartan in Heart failure-Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity ( CHARM ) Program

  6. 结论MMP-13、TIMP-1参与了NE诱导的左室肥厚大鼠心肌重塑过程,坎地沙坦能使MMP-13/TIMP-1正常化而抑制心肌重塑的发展。

    Conclusion MMP-13 、 TIMP-1 are involved in the cardiac remodeling induced by NE . Candesartan can prevent cardiac fibrosis , which is associated with myocardial MMP-13 and TIMP-1 .

  7. 抗乙肝新药Entecavir及抗高血压新药ALK重要中间体的合成研究抗高血压药坎地沙坦酯的新合成方法

    Synthesis of the New Anti-HBV Agent Entecavir and the Key Intermediate of the New Antihypertensive Agent ALK ; A novel synthesis of antihypertensive drug candesartan cilexitil

  8. 坎地沙坦酯对原发性高血压患者尿微量白蛋白的影响

    Effects of Candesartan Cilexetil on Urine Microalbuminuria in Patients with Essential Hypertension

  9. 坎地沙坦对糖尿病大鼠肾小管上皮细胞表型转化的影响

    Effects of Candesartan on Renal Tubule Epithelial Cells Transdifferentiation in Diabetic Rats

  10. 坎地沙坦酯片治疗原发性高血压118例

    Candesartan cilexetil in treatment of essential hypertension in 118 patients

  11. 坎地沙坦增强肥胖大鼠胰岛素敏感性

    Effects of Candesartan on Insulin Sensitivity in Fatty Rats

  12. 2种坎地沙坦酯制剂的人体生物等效性研究

    Studies on the Bioequivalence of Two Candesartan Cilexetil Preparations

  13. 坎地沙坦对左室肥厚大鼠心肌组织血管紧张素Ⅱ受体表达的影响

    Effects of Candesartan on Angiotensin ⅱ Receptors in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Rats

  14. 坎地沙坦对大鼠心室重塑的影响

    Effects of Candesartan on Cardiac Remodeling of Rats

  15. 坎地沙坦对轻中度高血压患者颈动脉重构的影响

    Influence of candesartan on carotid artery remodeling in patients with mild to moderate hypertension

  16. 氨氯地平与坎地沙坦协同降低血压、血压波动性及器官保护作用

    Synergism of Amlodipine and Candesartan on Lowering , Stabilizing Blood Pressure and Organ Protection

  17. 液相色谱-质谱联用法测定人血浆中坎地沙坦

    LC-MS determination of candesartan in human plasma

  18. 国产坎地沙坦对老年陈旧前壁心梗合并心衰患者的中期疗效

    Effects of candesartan in elder patients with old anterior wall myocardial infarction combined with heart failure

  19. 结论:坎地沙坦能有效降压和改善胰岛素抵抗及血管内皮功能。

    Conclusion : Candesartan can effectively decrease blood pressure and improve endothelial function and insulin resistance .

  20. 坎地沙坦组不良反应发生率较低(2.3%);

    In the candesartan group , the rate of adverse reaction was lower ( 2.3 % );

  21. 本研究提出一条全新的,有效的坎地沙坦酯避专利合成路线和一条新颖的,高效的替米沙坦的合成路线。

    The research suggested a novel and effective route for synthesis of candesartan cilexetil and telmisartan respectively .

  22. 坎地沙坦对缺血-再灌注心脏搏出液心肌酶谱以及组织形态学的影响

    The Influence of Candesartan on Serum Myocardial Enzymes Levels and Tectology in Exvivo Rabbit Heart Ischemia-reperfusion Model

  23. 在研究过程中他们没有观察到坎地沙坦使用引起的任何不利影响。

    They did not observe any adverse effects of candesartan use over the course of their study .

  24. 晚期糖基化终产物促进血管外膜成纤维细胞迁移机制及坎地沙坦的干预作用研究

    Mechanism of migration of vascular adventitial fibroblasts enhanced by advanced glycation end-products and the inhibition effect of candesartan

  25. 坎地沙坦对老年充血性心力衰竭患者利钾尿肽、心房钠尿肽和内皮素水平的影响

    Effects of candesartan on kaliuretic peptide , atrial natriuretic peptide and endothelin in elderly patients with congestive heart failure

  26. 目的观察坎地沙坦对离体家兔心脏缺血-再灌注后心肌酶指标的影响,评价其对心肌的保护作用。

    Aim To observe the influence of candesartan on serum myocardial enzymes levels in ex vivo rabbit heart ischemia-reperfusion model .

  27. 坎地沙坦对大鼠肥厚心肌组织中低氧诱导因子-1α、血管内皮生长因子表达的影响

    Effects of Candesartan on expression of hypoxia inducible factor-1 α and vascular endothelial growth factor in hypertrophic myocardium of rats

  28. 目的观察坎地沙坦酯片治疗1、2级原发性高血压的临床疗效及其安全性。

    Aim To investigate the clinical efficacy and security of candesartan cilexetil tablets in treatment of 1 ~ 2 grade essential hypertension .

  29. 方法制作全心缺血-再灌注模型,观察坎地沙坦3个剂量组对心肌细胞酶学的影响,同时观察其对缺血再灌注后心肌细胞结构的影响。

    Methods Heart ischemia-reperfusion model was adopted to observe the influence of three dose candesartan on serum myocardial enzymes levels and cardiac cellular structure .

  30. 坎地沙坦酯组、苯磺酸氨氯地平组、联合用药组的不良反应发生率分别为10.8%,16.1%,和16.2%(P>0.05)。

    Occurrence rates of the bad reaction of 3 groups were 10.8 % , 16.1 % , and 16.2 % ( P > 0.05 ) .