
  • 网络Campos
  1. 除了海鲜饭和西班牙两菜汤,还可品尝到由西班牙客座大厨坎普斯准备的创意餐前小食。

    Beyond paella and gazpacho , enjoy authentic Spanish gastronomy with a fresh twist , especially the delightful tapas by Chef Joaquin Campos .

  2. 使情况更加糟糕的是,一座大坝决堤,洪水涌到圣保罗市附近的圣若泽杜斯坎普斯。

    To matters even more , a dam gave way , flooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo .

  3. 我建议你到开普敦的坎普斯湾游玩,因为那是南非最美的海滩。

    I suggest that you visit Camps Bay Beach in Cape Town Because it is the most beautiful beach .

  4. 涅夫斯基大街,圣彼得堡的坎普斯里大道,在1738年成为城市的主要交通干线。

    The Nevsky Prospekt , the ' Champs Elysees " of St. Petersburg , became its main avenue in 1738 .

  5. 而像大西洋沿海的坎普斯湾海滩、克里夫顿海滩、兰蒂德诺海滩这些新潮时尚的海滩都是世界闻名。

    The trendy beaches of Camps Bay , Clifton and Llandudno along the Atlantic Seaboard are right up there with the best in the world .

  6. 坎普斯说,如今有很多鼎鼎大名的任务在电视上和餐馆里展示对食物和烹饪的浓厚兴趣,在此时举办这样一次展览,时机刚刚好。

    Kamps said the time was right for such an exhibit , with high interest in food and cooking on television and restaurants driven by big names .

  7. 法国的图卢兹、美国的威奇托、加拿大的蒙特利尔和巴西的坎普斯均是飞机产业集聚的地区,而这些城市的飞机产业在世界的飞机市场又是极富竞争力的。

    Toulouse of France , Wichita the United States , Montreal of Canada and Campos of Brazil are concentrated areas of aircraft industry . The aircraft industry in these cities is extremely competitive in the world aircraft market .