
  • 网络the china price;No China price;Chinese Price
  1. 中国价格(TheChinaPrice)最近引起很多人的关注。

    Recently " The China Price " has attracted many people 's attention .

  2. 中国价格探索&以MP3音乐播放器为例

    Exploring " The China Price " & Take the Case of MP3 Music Player As an Example

  3. 中国价格听证制度的研究论公共决策听证制度建设

    The Study on the Public Hearing System of Price Management in China

  4. 就目前而言,中国价格看上去是保险的。

    The China price looks safe for now .

  5. 价值公式与中国价格法制抉择

    Value Formula and Legal Choices for Chinas Prices

  6. 中国价格竞争状况剖析

    Study on the price competition in China

  7. 将中国价格除以美国价格得到1美元的购买力平价是3.65元。

    Diveding the local Chinese price by the American price gives a dollar PPP of3.65 yuan .

  8. 对一种商品来说,“中国价格”将不再是全球最低价格。

    The " China price " will no longer be the cheapest world price for a commodity .

  9. 而发达世界的公民作为消费者,同样从“中国价格”中获益。

    Yet citizens of the developed world also benefit from the " China price " as consumers .

  10. 中国价格贸易条件的变动及影响因素分析

    The Changes of China 's Net Barter Terms of Trade and Analysis on Its ' Main Influencing Factors

  11. 并根据居民消费价格指数在中国价格指数体系中的地位及其编制方法是否有重大改变,将中国的居民消费价格指数的发展划分为三个阶段:萌芽阶段,初级阶段和发展阶段。

    The development of the Chinese CPI can be divided to three stages : Seed stage , Initial stage and Development phase .

  12. 中国价格监管局局长解释说,作出这一决定是因为该三家公司积极配合了此次调查。

    As the head of the Chinese price watchdog has explained , it 's because these companies have actively cooperated with the probe .

  13. 各公司都在不停地谈论中国价格&中国制造商是如何把从袜子到半导体的各种商品成本压低的。

    Companies talk endlessly about the China price – how Chinese manufacturers have driven down the cost of goods , from socks to semiconductors .

  14. 中国价格水平也较去年同期上涨6.5%,其它新兴市场的物价也在迅速上涨。

    Prices are also gaining at an annual rate of 6.5 per cent in China , with rapid increases in other emerging markets too .

  15. 在金融业某些领域,中国价格与纽约或伦敦价格其实相去并不遥远。

    In parts of the finance sector , it turns out that the China price is not too far from the New York or London price .

  16. 但是有趣的是,中国价格快速增长促使她重新清醒思考:她正在将生产线迁回欧洲。

    But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again : she is moving her production back to Europe .

  17. 5.12地震加剧了人们对中国价格上涨的担忧。中国目前的总体通胀率已超过8%,为11年以来的高点。

    The May 12 earthquake has exacerbated concerns over rising prices in China , where headline inflation is already at 11-year highs of more than 8 per cent .

  18. 当然,有一个情况让人略感汗颜。给拉菲打造一个中国价格,实际上已使饮用此酒变得近乎不可思议。

    Of course , there is something slightly humbling about the fact that the creation of a China price for Lafite has made actually drinking the wine almost unthinkable .

  19. 消费者得以享用更廉价的商品,但如今世界各地的企业都必须与中国价格竞争。人们很难不对这个新的超级经济大国感到紧张。

    Consumers have enjoyed cheaper goods , but now that businesses across the world have to compete with the China price , it 's hard not to feel nervous about this new economic superpower .

  20. 这个过程被称作中国价格&过去十年,中国公司开启了一个又一个行业的大门,将价格压低到从前难以想象的水平。

    The process is known as " the China Price " - the way that Chinese companies have managed to enter one industry after another over the past decade and drive down the prices to previously unimaginable levels .

  21. 因为该公司是提前三个月购买原材料,因此它库存棉花的价格仍为每磅2美元,但由于要和中国价格较低的纺织品竞争,所以没有把价格提得过高。

    Since it buys raw material three months in advance , it still has cotton in inventories at $ 2 a pound , but has not raised prices too much because it is competing with lower-priced fabrics from China .

  22. 发改委称,消费者对这些价格差异的情况进行了举报,同时指出这些行为违法了中国的价格法。

    The agency said these pricing discrepancies were brought to its attention by consumers and are in violation of its price law .

  23. 基于VAR模型的中国消费价格指数分析

    Analysis On VAR Model About CPI Of China

  24. 在此之前,微软还下调了WindowsVista操作系统在中国的价格。

    Earlier , the company reduced the price in China for its Windows Vista operating system .

  25. 正如资本经济(CapitalEconomics)指出的那样,按美元计算,一个衡量中国出口价格的美国指数去年12月的涨幅不到1%。

    As Capital Economics points out , a US index of Chinese export prices was up by less than 1 per cent in dollar terms in December .

  26. 中国IPOs价格发现机制实证研究

    Empirical Study on IPOs Price - finding Mechanism in China

  27. 首先,只要固定汇率是可信的&就像1995年至2004年间维持在1美元兑8.28元人民币那样,它就可以有效地充当中国国内价格水平的货币锚(monetaryanchor)。

    First , as long as the fixed rate is credible - as it was between 1995 and 2004 at 8.28 yuan per dollar - it served as an effective monetary anchor for China 's internal price level .

  28. 最后,基于GED分布的GARCH模型比基于正态分布的GARCH模型能够更好地描述中国原油价格的波动特征,并且具有较好的预测能力。

    Finally , these GARCH models based on GED can better describe the price volatility of Chinese crude oil compared with those based on the Normal distribution , and have great power to forecast the future returns .

  29. 全球供应链企业利丰公司(Li&Fung)的董事总经理冯国纶(WilliamFung)表示,国际买家只能接受更高的中国出口价格,尤其像是玩具这类基本上只在中国制造的产品。

    William Fung , managing director of Li & Fung , a global supply chain company , said international buyers would have to accept higher export prices from China , especially for goods such as toys that are largely made only in the country .

  30. 本文为了能够提出有效解决中国商品价格指数(CGPI)预测的模型,对多种预测模型进行实际模拟计算。

    For the purpose of developing an efficient forecasting model for The Corporate Goods Price Index ( CGPI ), this paper makes many empirical studies of different forecasting models .