
  1. 20世纪中国散文诗是中外文化契合的产物。

    Chinese prose poetry is the product of foreign and Chinese culture .

  2. 论中国散文诗文体形态的基本生成

    On the Building and the Character of the Style of Chinese Prose Poetry

  3. 第二节从分析翻译活动入手,认为外国诗歌翻译的散文化、外国散文诗的翻译等都是导致中国散文诗产生的原因,而且中国散文诗理论也受到了外国相关理论的直接影响。

    The second section thought that the foreign verse translated to prose and the prose poem translation were the main reasons bringing on Chinese prose poem .

  4. 作品多次获奖并入选《中国年度最佳散文诗》、《当代散文精品》、《重庆少数民族诗选》等多种选本。

    His works has won many prizes and were selected into " Best Prose Poems of China Selected Yearly "," Contemporary Classic Proses "," Selected Chongqing Minority Poems " and so on .

  5. 中国作家协会会员、中国摄影家协会会员、中国散文诗学会理事、中国诗歌学会理事。

    Member of China Writers'Association , China Photographers'Association , Councilor of China Prosaic Poetry Society , and China Poetry Society .