
  • 网络Chinese poultry;China Poultry
  1. 中国家禽体内的寄生吸虫名录(二)

    Reviews on the Trematodes of Poultry in China ( 2 )

  2. 由于美国封锁了中国家禽的对美出口,作为报复,中国实际上也已封锁了美国家禽的对华出口。

    China has already effectively blocked U.S. exports of poultry products in retaliation for a similar U.S. block of Chinese poultry .

  3. 墨西哥科学家培育出了一种转基因玉米,它可以产生一种用于预防新城疫的可食用疫苗。新城疫是发展中国家禽类的一个主要杀手。

    Mexican researchers have genetically modified maize to create an edible vaccine against Newcastle disease , a major killer of poultry in developing countries .

  4. 中国家禽销售的增速超过了中国人喜爱的猪肉,部分原因在与鸡肉相对便宜。

    Poultry sales here have been growing faster than those of pork , China 's favorite meat , in part because chicken is less expensive .

  5. 何中华说,他预计中国家禽业将面临整合的新压力,众多小企业将被整合成规模较大的企业,以便于监管。

    Mr. He , the consultant , said he expects China 's poultry business to face new pressure to consolidate smaller operators into bigger companies that are easier to monitor .

  6. 中国家畜家禽寄生虫与寄生虫病概况

    The brief status of parasite and parasitosis for livestock and poultry in China

  7. 试验以中国农科院家禽研究所培育的苏禽黄鸡为素材,测定料型对70日龄鸡体重及其体尺性状的影响。

    Materials ( Suqin yellow chicken ) were from Poultry Institute , Chinese Academy Sciences , determine feed tyPe imPact on the weight and stature of 70 day 's chicken .

  8. 麦当劳(McDonald'sCorp.)供应商、总部设在伊利诺伊州的OSIGroupInc.不久前表示,该公司通过一家合资企业扩大了其在中国经营的家禽饲养场。

    And Illinois-based OSI Group Inc. , a supplier to McDonald 's Corp. , said recently that it had expanded the poultry farms it operates in China through a joint venture .

  9. 中国不同地区家禽大肠杆菌血清型分布和耐药性比较研究

    Comparative Research on Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolates from Poultry in Different Areas of China

  10. 中国最近经历了家禽中反复发生高致病性H5N1禽流感疫情。

    China has recently experienced a recurrence of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry .

  11. 中国是最大的家禽生产国。

    China is the largest producer of poultry .

  12. 中国是一个家禽养殖大国,种蛋的孵化工作已成为家禽养殖业中的一项重要的任务。

    As China is a great poultry country , hatching has been an important task in poultry farming .

  13. 不过泰森食品在今年初表示,公司在中国的业务扩展速度将放缓,因为在近期爆发禽流感之后,中国消费者对家禽的需求降温。

    However , Tyson earlier this year said its expansion in China would slow as consumers ' demand for poultry in the country cooled following recent outbreaks of avian influenza .