
jìn děng jī yīn xì
  • near-isogenic line
  1. 水稻白叶枯病新抗源Y238的鉴定及其近等基因系培育

    Identification of a New Rice Germplasm with Resistance to Bacterial Blight and the Breeding of a Near-isogenic Line

  2. 以306和NB为亲本,组配了近等基因系,筛选了与常染色体上抗NPV基因连锁的RAPD分子标记,并以NB为素材,育成了一批新种质。

    The near-isogenic line was composed using NB and the highly susceptible race-306 as parents , and the RAPD markers linked to the resistant gene and susceptible gene were selected . At the same time , several new germ plasms had been bred using NB as the resistant parent .

  3. 玉米Rf3近等基因系的分子标记辅助回交选育与效益分析

    Molecular Marker-assisted Backcross Breeding of Maize Rf_3 NIL and Its Efficient Analysis

  4. 小麦K型不育系恢复基因近等基因系农艺性状的遗传差异分析

    Genetic Differences of Agronomic Characters among Near-isogenic Lines of Fertility Restorer Genes for K-type Sterile Line in Wheat

  5. 亚麻抗锈病近等基因系RAPD特异指纹带的克隆分析

    Cloning of unique RAPD bands in flax ( Linumusitatissiumum ) near-isogenic lines

  6. 利用恢复基因的近等基因系研究V型小麦细胞质雄性不育分子机理

    Study on the Molecular Mechanism of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Near Isogenic Lines of Restoring Gene to Wheat V-CMS

  7. 粳稻台中65及其F1花粉不育近等基因系和它们的F1花药培养特性

    Anther culture characteristics of japonica rice Taichung 65 and its pollen sterile near-isogenic lines as well as their F_1

  8. 培育了7个转Bt基因抗虫棉近等基因系。

    Seven transgenic Bt cotton near isogenic lines of G.

  9. 转Bt基因抗虫棉近等基因系的研究

    Effect of Bt Gene on Agronomic Characters in Transgenic Bt Cotton Near-isogenic Lines

  10. 家蚕抗浓核病近等基因系及其RAPD分子标记

    Breeding of Densonucleosis ( DNV ) Resistance Near isogenic Line and RAPD Molecular Markers

  11. 近等基因系、混合分离群体法是RAPD标记的主要策略。

    Near-isogenic lines and bulked segregant analysis are the main strategies for RAPD tagging of plant traits .

  12. 十和田近等基因系糙米锌含量QTL定位

    Identification of QTLs about Zinc Content in Brown Rice for Near-isogenic Lines for Towada

  13. 这表明近等基因系中保留了与抗性品系同种的AChE。

    This indicated that the near-isogenic lines reserved AChE which was same as resistance strain .

  14. 玉米Rf3基因近等基因系(NIL)的构建及RAPD验证

    Using RAPD to Verify Backcrossing Times for Developing NIL of Restorer Gene ( Rf_3 ) in CMS-S Maize

  15. 通过标记辅助选择,构建了一个同时控制多个性状主效QTLs位点的近等基因系。

    NILs of the locus controlling major QTLs for traits were developed by marker-assisted selection .

  16. 家蚕黄血近等基因系SSH文库的构建及部分EST的序列分析

    SSH cDNA Library Construction and Corresponding EST Analysis of NILs for Yellow Hemolymph Gene in Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  17. 其中4个粒重QTL近等基因系与其对应的轮回亲本相比,百粒重增加显著。

    Compared with their recurrent parents , the four grain weight QTL NILs could significantly increase the hundred grain weight .

  18. 利用HMW-GS近等基因系评价不同等位变异对面包、面条加工品质的影响

    Effects of HMW-GS Allelic Variation on Processing Quality of Bread and Noodle Revealed by Near-Isogenic Lines

  19. 根据QTL初步分析结果,对两个产量相关的QTL在近等基因系中进行了遗传分析和精细定位。

    According to the results of QTL analysis , two near isogenic lines of yield relative QTLs were developed to do fine mapping .

  20. 在7个遗传背景中,5个HB近等基因系的平均纤维长度短于其轮回亲本,其中3个差异显著。

    In 5 of the 7 genetic backgrounds , the average fiber length of the near-isogenic lines were lower than their recurrent parents , 3 of them were significant .

  21. 选用158个亲本间有多态性的微卫星标记,对50个F1花粉不育近等基因系的导入片段进行了分析。

    One hundred and fifty eight microsatellite markers , with polymorphism among parents were used to survey the introgressed segments in 50 F 1 pollen sterility near isogenic lines .

  22. 利用粳稻台中65及其F1花粉不育近等基因系和它们的F1作研究材料,对这些遗传背景基本相同但具有不同F1花粉不育基因座位材料进行花粉愈伤组织诱导率及花药开裂性的研究。

    Japonica rice Taichung 65 and its pollen sterile near-isogenic lines were used to study the function of specific-compatibility gene in vitro in order to further perfect the academic viewpoint .

  23. 水稻近等基因系的构建与粒型新基因的发掘广东水稻纹枯病菌RAPD基因型与致病型关系

    Development of Rice Near-isogenic Lines and Discovery of New Genes of Grain Shape ; Relationship between RAPD Genotype and Pathotype of Rice Sheathe Blight Fungi ( Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA ) in Guangdong Province

  24. 以中国春糯性位点全套近等基因系为研究材料,对小麦Wx基因的6个STS标记和1个CAPS标记进行了筛选。

    A series of Chinese Spring Wx loci near-isogenic lines were used to identify the specific bands of 6 STS markers and 1 CAPS marker of Wx genes .

  25. 结合玉米基因组测序公布的BAC信息,利用课题组构建的近等基因系,利用各种方法在抗病基因区域内开发分子标记,并对抗病基因进行定位,为其图位克隆奠定基础。

    Combination of maize genome sequencing information , development of molecular markers and mapping of resistance genes by using near isogenic lines in Maize is base of map-based cloning .

  26. HB近等基因系的叶片明显大于其轮回亲本,有5个遗传背景下的近等基因姊妹系之间叶片大小差异达显著水平。

    The leaves of HB near-isogenic lines were apparently bigger than theirs recurrent parents . In 5 genetic backgrounds , the difference in leaf area among the near-isogenic sister lines reached significant level .

  27. 染色体片段置换系(ChromosomeSegmentSubstitutionLines,CSSLs)是利用一系列的杂交、回交、自交和分子标记辅助选择相结合的方法建立起来的覆盖植物基因组的一系列的近等基因系。

    Chromosome segment substitution lines ( CSSLs ) is a series of near-isogenic lines , which were bred by hybridizing , backcrossing , selfing and molecular marker-assisted selection method , covering whole genome of donor parent .

  28. 从78个SSR标记筛选出了7个标记在十和田和NILs间存在多态性,从分子水平上验证了近等基因系与十和田耐冷性差异大。

    Using 7 markers had polymorphism between Towada and NILs were chosen from 78 SSR markers , the cold tolerance of NILs proved to be different to Towada .

  29. 用28对RGA引物对LTH近等基因系品种进行PCR扩增,其中11对引物扩增出特异性条带。

    28 primer pairs designed according to plant resistance gene analog were used to amplify rice LTH NILs . Of them , 11 primer pairs gave peculiar bands .

  30. 通过连续回交和单株(系)跟踪选择,培育成小麦D2型细胞质雄性不育系msD2-CA8057恢复基因的近等基因系(BC6F1)材料。

    By successive backcrossing and individual selection , the near-isogenic lines ( NILs ) of fertility restorer genes for D ~ 2-type cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) in wheat were bred .