
jìn yuè diǎn
  • perilune;pericynthion
近月点[jìn yuè diǎn]
  1. 月球探测器在近月点下降全过程,控制系统主要采用推力器为执行机构。

    Thrusters were used as the main attitude control actuators for the whole process of the lunar soft landing .

  2. 月球捕获控制第一次制动必须在卫星飞向月球的第一近月点完成。

    The first orbit maneuver of lunar orbit insertion ( LOI ) must be implemented at the first perilune of the spacecraft flight to the moon .

  3. 给出了这些转移轨道的近地点和着月点的轨迹,并讨论了轨迹随飞行时间变化的特性。

    In addition , the locus of perigee and lunar impact points are given and the characteristic of the locus with variation of the transfer time are discussed .