
  1. 近代汉语语法问题探源

    Probing into the Problem of Modern Chinese Grammar from the Source

  2. 不仅如此,述补结构的研究在近代汉语语法研究当中也占着非常重要地位。

    Therefore , it occupies very important position in the modern Chinese grammar research .

  3. 代词研究是近代汉语语法研究中开展较早,成果也较为丰富的方面。

    With fruitful results , the study of pronouns is carried out earlier in the branch of modern Chinese grammar .

  4. 对汉语介词结构的研究近年来已经成为学术界的热点,而且近代汉语的语法研究也引起更多学者的重视。

    Recently , investigation about structures of Chinese prepositions have been the academe 's hotspot , and that grammar research of neoteric Chinese attracts attentions from more scholars .

  5. 因此,一方而保留了近代汉语的语法特征,另一方面又在语法功能上已经非常接近于现代汉语。

    So it conserves the grammar features of the Medieval Chinese . On the other hand , many conjunction present the same features as in the Modern Chinese language .

  6. 近代汉语助词是近代汉语语法研究的重要课题,也是汉语语法史研究中的一个重要环节。

    The study of the auxiliary word in Modern Chinese is an important part of the study of the Modern Chinese grammar , as well as a key link to research the history of the Chinese grammar .