
  1. 本文主要考察北平左翼文化运动的发生。

    This paper mainly investigates the occurrence of left-wing cultural movement in Peiping .

  2. 事实上,最晚在20世纪20年代末30年代初,这种比附在左翼文化人中就已经较为流行。

    In fact , in the late1920s and early1930s , this analogy was popular among the left-wing intellectuals .

  3. 从同路人到第三种人&论1930年代左翼文化对现代派群体的影响

    From " Fellow Travelers " to " Third Persons " & The Left-wing Culture 's Influence on Modernist Groups in the 1930s

  4. 左联组织形象的构建经历了一个从左翼文化(文学)阵线滑向亚政党组织的过程。

    The composing of organization image of the CLWA experienced the process from a Left wing culture ( literature ) turning to a sub-party organization .

  5. 第一部分绪论,简要梳理北平左翼文化研究的现状并阐释论文的选题策略。

    The first part is the introduction , which is to brief analysis the Peiping left-wing cultural research and to describe the topic of the dissertation strategies .

  6. 考察左翼文化运动推动电影发展的内在机制,重新提供一种关照30年代中国电影的眼光。

    The author tries to observe and study the inner mechanism that the cultural movement of left wing promoted the developing of film and keep a fresh eye on 30 's Chinese film .

  7. 30年代在上海兴起的左翼文化运动给原本以商业性为内核的上海文化注入了鲜明的政治性内涵和昂扬向上的活力,这一政治文化语境也深刻地影响了现代派作家的文学选择。

    In the 1930s , the newly appeared Left Wing movement injected political connotation and positive vigor into Shanghai Culture , and the political cultural context deeply influenced the literary choice of modernistic writers .

  8. 其核心思想和艺术宗旨,通过左翼文化运动和延安文艺等社会运作方式或存在形态,主导着中国文学艺术发展的方向,渗透到中国社会大众的思想和意识中,成为现代中国文学艺术的主流。

    Russian literary and artistic thought , by way of the Left-wing cultural movement and Yan'an literature and art , dominated the development of modern China 's literature and art , and permeated the masses ' ideology .

  9. 通过这次论争加强了鲁迅对马列主义理论及文艺理论的学习与运用,促进了他的思想的转变,从此开始了他的左翼文化的生涯。

    Which have strengthened Lu Xun 's study and application of the theory of Marxism-Leninism and theory of literature through this controversy , have promoted the transition of his thought , So he has begun the career of his left wring culture from then on .

  10. 荆棘途中的跋涉&中国现代左翼知识分子文化性格论

    Trudging in the Thorns & On the Culture Personality of Chinese Modern Leftist Intellectuals

  11. 从后殖民批评到新左翼激进文化批判&质疑某种精英视角对第五代电影的盘点

    From the Post-Colonial Criticism to the New-Radical Cultural Denouncement & A Question of the Elites ' " Checking " of the Fifth Generation of Films

  12. 再解读的思路主要为重新理解20世纪中国左翼文学与文化(尤其是作为左翼文学的当代形态的50-70年代文学)提供了新的研究视野。

    In a word , the reinterpretation approach has provided a new study vision for re-understanding the Chinese Left-wing literature and culture in the 20th century .

  13. 信用紧缩发生之前,有个很流行的说法是,右翼在经济论战中取胜,左翼则赢得了文化辩论。

    Before the credit crunch it used often to be said that the right had won the economic argument and the left had won the cultural one .

  14. 以北平各左翼社团以及左翼文化运动主体作为考察对象,同时选取左翼社团创办文艺刊物作为另一个侧面,论述北平左翼文化运动是如何发生的。

    With left-wing associations in Peiping as well as left-wing cultural movement as the inspection object , and selecting the left-wing associations founded literary periodicals as the other side , to discuss the Peiping leftist cultural movement is how it happened .

  15. 京派文人的写作本身具有自己的主体意识,有自己的风格、特色,是一种与当时的主流文学&左翼文学截然不同的文化现象,也迥异于当时流行于上海的海派文化。

    Beijing School writers writing in itself has its own identity , has its own style , features , is a kind of literary and mainstream at the time - left-wing literature distinct cultural phenomenon , but also quite different from the " Shanghai " cultural , popular in Shanghai .