
  • 网络Under the Yoke
  1. 我就照这一切的话对犹大王西底家说,要把你们的颈项放在巴比伦王的轭下,服事他和他的百姓,便得存活。

    I spake also to Zedekiah king of Judah according to all these words , saying , Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon , and serve him and his people , and live .

  2. 但哪一邦肯把颈项放在巴比伦王的轭下服事他,我必使那邦仍在本地存留,得以耕种居

    " But as for that nation which puts its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and becomes his servant , I will let that nation keep on in its land , farming it and living in it , says the Lord . "

  3. 直到创造人类主宰禽兽花木君临万物的黑暗以沉寂宣告最后一缕光明闪现而那静止的时辰来自轭下躁动不安的大海

    Never until the mankind making Bird beast and flower Fathering and all humbling darkness Tells with silence the last light breaking And the still hour Is come of the sea tumbling in harness

  4. 如果不是篇幅所限,我还可以明白地举出怎样通过这些捕鲸者,才终于把秘鲁。智利和玻利维亚从旧西班牙的羁轭下解放了出来,并在这些国家里建立了永远的民主政体种种事实。

    and , if space permitted , it might be distinctly shown how from those whalemen at last eventuated the liberation of Peru , Chili , and Bolivia from the yoke of Old Spain , and the establishment of the eternal democracy in those parts .

  5. 败军在轭门下通过。

    The defeated army passed under the yoke .

  6. 从传动箱轴轭上拆下后万向节。

    Separate the rear universal joint from the transfer case yoke .