
  • 网络Translation Criticism
  1. 中西比较视野下的翻译批评

    Translation Criticism from a Perspective of Comparisons between Chinese and Western Traditions

  2. 该章最后一部分对文学翻译批评,特别是Gonewiththewind各中译本的翻译批评作了批判性回顾。

    The last section is a critical review of the literary translation criticism and that of the Chinese translations of Gone with the Wind , in particular .

  3. 在一定程度上可以说没有专业人员的批评,就没有JaneEyre中译本翻译批评;读者是翻译批评的拓展者。

    To some extent , if there are no critiques from the professional , there is no TC on Chinese version of Jane Eyre ; the reader is the disseminator of TC .

  4. 翻译批评是随着翻译的出现而产生的。

    Translation criticism comes into being with the appearance of translation .

  5. 意义与翻译批评研究

    The Study of Translation Criticism from the Angle of Cross-cultural Communication

  6. 翻译批评在本科翻译教学中的应用研究

    Translation Criticism and Its Application to Undergraduate Translation Teaching Supported by Constructivism

  7. 最后,本文讨论了翻译批评的问题。

    This thesis finally discusses the problem of translation criticism .

  8. 论翻译批评川端文学面面观

    On Translation Critique A General Review of Chuan Duan Literature

  9. 翻译批评是翻译研究的重要组成部分。

    Translation criticism is an important component of translation study .

  10. 翻译批评即对翻译作品的评估。

    Translation criticism is an evaluation or comment on translations .

  11. 译介学理论在文学翻译批评中的应用

    On Applying the Theory of Medio-translatology into Literary Translation Critics

  12. 翻译批评标准是翻译批评的核心问题。

    The criterion for translation criticism is the core issue in translation criticism .

  13. 第二章,多元、动态的翻译批评模式构建。

    The second chapter is about building multivariate and dynamic translation criticism mode .

  14. 同样,在文学翻译批评领域,也存在类似的问题,即人们倾向于把翻译批评默认为文学翻译批评。

    So does the field of literary translation criticism .

  15. 针对翻译批评标准研究的缺陷,作者尝试建立了一个新的翻译批评标准体系。

    Thus a new system of the literary TC criterion system is formulated .

  16. 对翻译批评标准的价值学思考

    An Axiological Reflection on the Criteria of Translation Criticism

  17. 翻译批评的语境视角:一种权变理论的阐释

    Translation Criticism from the Perspective of Context : Explanation Based on Contingency Theory

  18. 译作评论一直以来便是翻译批评中一个极为重要的部分,也是翻译研究中一个极为重要的组成部分。

    Translation criticism has since long been an integrated part of translation studies .

  19. 风格批评一直是翻译批评中的一个重点。

    Criticism of translator 's style has been a focus of translation criticism .

  20. 本文着重研究功能理论在翻译批评中的应用。

    This thesis focuses on the application of functionalist approaches in translation criticism .

  21. 读者反应批评&文学翻译批评新视角

    Reader-Response Criticism : A New Perspective on Literary Criticism

  22. 多元动态翻译批评的建构性研究

    A Constructive Study on Multifold and Dynamic Translation Criticism

  23. 文学翻译批评标准探索

    On the Criteria for the Literary Translation Criticism

  24. 内部翻译批评的三大视野

    Three Fields of Vision in Internal Translation Criticism

  25. 试论文学翻译批评的背景变量

    On Background Variables of Translation Criticism in Literature

  26. 首先,它可用于翻译批评;

    First , it is useful to translationcriticism ;

  27. 发挥科技翻译批评的激励功能

    Exerting Encouraging Function of Criticism of Sci-Tech Translation

  28. 浅论文学翻译批评

    On A Tentative Approach to Literary Translation Criticism

  29. 总体说来,专业人员是翻译批评质量的捍卫者。

    In general , the professional is the defender of the quality of TC .

  30. 所以对于同一个文本,没有完全一样的两个译本,翻译批评必须考虑这种情况。

    For the same source language text , there are no two identical translations .