
fān dǒu chē
  • Tipper truck;tip truck;tipcart;skip car
  1. FC-1B型翻斗车方向失控原因分析及技改措施

    The reasons of why the direction of the dump car which is FC-1B model is out of control and how to solve it

  2. 现在这些垃圾,足够装满满一翻斗车了。

    Now the waste , enough to install a trolley full of frightening .

  3. 翻斗车的行车制动性能分析

    An Analysis for Foot Brake Effect of Mini Dumper

  4. 铝翻斗车更好的冷却内部港龙航空。

    Aluminum dumpers better for cooling air inside HDA .

  5. 通常翻斗车铝或塑料制成。

    Usually dumpers made of aluminum or plastic .

  6. 我的书房窗外有个翻斗车。

    Outside my study window is a skip .

  7. 本文分析四轮制动翻斗车的制动系,其空载、满载的理想制动力分配曲线恰与汽车相反。

    The brake system of dump truck with four wheel braking is discussed in this paper .

  8. 第二天,我找了份工作,为一家小型筑路公司开翻斗车。

    The next day I got a job driving a dump truck for a small paving company .

  9. 但要是有人走过来玩他的翻斗车,他就会开始坐立不安。

    But if someone else comes along and plays with the truck he starts to get upset .

  10. 翻斗车也被称为分离器位于盘之间,他们减少空气和噪声波动。

    Dumpers sometimes called as Separators located between platters , they reduce air fluctuations and acoustic noise .

  11. 安全编辑控件是特殊的密码编辑控制耐药性的窗口间谍和内存翻斗车。

    Secure Edit Controls are special password edit controls that are resistant to window spies and memory dumpers .

  12. 他说,翻斗车在海口市的主要街道后落下的沉积物,影响市容。

    He said the dump truck Haikou have in the main street after falling down the sediment , the impact of amenity .

  13. 每个星期,总会有辆卡车过来,把装满的翻斗车拉走,留下一辆空翻斗车。

    Every week or so a lorry would come to take the full one away and leave an empty one in its place .

  14. 如果仔细察看数据,你就会发现建筑行业是骑车人杀手&水泥搅拌车、自卸货车、还有翻斗车。

    If you go through the statistics , it is the construction industry that is killing cyclists – concrete mixers , tipper lorries , skip lorries .

  15. 为方便用户,加油站设立了大客车、租车、用翻斗车等专业车辆的加油“绿色通道”。

    In order to satisfy the customer , the gas stations of this Center specially set up the Green Channel for the special vehicles including large truck , taxi , agricultural dump truck and etc.

  16. 或者说,我是坐在书桌前,看着窗外的翻斗车发愣。她常把衣裳推到一边,愣着。她和自己说话。

    Or rather , I sat at my desk staring out of the window at the skip . She used to push the pile of dirty clothes to one side and become lost in thought .