
běn xīn
  • one's conscience;true intention;conscience;one's original idea;real intention
本心 [běn xīn]
  • (1) [one's conscience;one's original idea;real intention]∶原来的心愿

  • (2) [conscience]∶旧指天生的善性;天良

  • 此之谓失其本心。--《孟子.告子上》

本心[běn xīn]
  1. 本心是非是内在的法律;

    Conscience is the inner law .

  2. 在阳明心学,境界即本心良知在现实人生中的呈现。

    In the Idealism of Wang Yang-ming , state is the presentation of one 's conscience or intuition through the realistic life .

  3. 恶之所以产生,只是因为舍弃了自己的良心本心。

    Evil comes into being when one rejects their natural goodness .

  4. 他的职业是教师,但他的本心是成为哲学家。

    He is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination .

  5. 在上赛季征服全联盟之后,他试着去寻找本心。

    Irving went searching for something after he conquered the NBA last season .

  6. 由本心仁体发出的直觉就是具有创造性的智的直觉,是存有论的实现原则;

    The intuition is the creative Intellectual Intuition and principle of realization of ontology ;

  7. 经由世间事态,本心依然纯洁、乾净和无染。

    The Root Self is pure , clean , and untainted by worldly matters .

  8. 草木有本心,人亦如此,渊明更是如此。

    Trees are the original mind , human is also the case , especially Yuan Ming .

  9. 肉身是本心的仆人,不是反过来。

    The fleshly body is the servant of the Root Self , not the other way around .

  10. 与如一样,本心显现能变成形相、物质,和能量。

    As such , the Root Self can manifest and become form , matter , and energy .

  11. 这些概念是我们物质自已的遗物,而是他们无法限制我们的精神本心。

    These concepts are relics of our physical self , but they cannot limit our spiritual Root Self .

  12. 当我们欣然接受自己的本质并遵循本心来生活的时候,我们会自带平和的光环。

    When we embrace our essence and live in congruence with who we are , we radiate peace .

  13. 王安石的诗往往体现出一种禅的况味和追慕禅宗的本心。

    Wang Anshi 's poems often embodies a meaning of Buddhism and original intention of following the Chan sect .

  14. 当一个人的本心解脱和体现,它成为宇宙无限能量的一部分。

    When one 's Root Self liberates and manifests , it becomes part of the limitless energy of the Universe .

  15. 这张图片描述一个单独的本心“复活、”发光,明亮,和非常地活泼。

    This picture depicts an individual whose Root Self is " resurrected ," radiant , luminous , and immensely alive .

  16. 我才认识到,所有的痛苦和情感的折磨,都只是提醒我:我的生活违背了自己的本心。

    I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth .

  17. 熊十力哲学将真实存在归结为本心或实体。

    In Xiong Shili 's philosophy real existence is reduced to the " original mind " or " entity " .

  18. 正相反,他重覆的强调一个人的本心,那是最初万物的缘起。

    On the contrary , he emphasizes repeatedly one 's Root Self which is the primal cause of all things .

  19. 本心率遥测仪能显示与打印出瞬时心率和六秒、十秒的平均心率,生理负担量和生理负担指数及生理曲线等。本机遥测半径为二百米,足以供一般运动场合应用。

    It can display and print instantaneous rate , six and ten second average rate , and physiological load and index .

  20. 我们唯一能做的就只是清楚地明见本心,清楚地看见念头。

    The only thing that we can do is just to see original mind clearly , to encounter the thought clearly .

  21. 由于禅宗哲学本心是佛、直觉顿悟和以心传心的独特思维的影响,造成了盛唐诗人艺术思维的变化:由理性认识到直觉体验,由再现到表现。

    The influence of special thought of Dhyana philosophy caused the change of the artistic thought in the poet of T'ang .

  22. 斗的你,提醒我们在努力追求梦想的同时,千万不要忘了最初的本心。

    Dou you , remind us trying to pursue their dreams at the same time , don 't forget the Hellenic initially .

  23. 禅宗思想启示了李贽对本心、真心的重视,并构筑了童心说的理论框架。

    Zen Buddhism inspire Li Zhi to value the true heart and to construct a basis for the theory of Child 's Mind .

  24. 住在一个人内心里,最高级的神,不断地展现的场所,是所有东西的本心和源头。

    A spirit that resides within one 's highest level , the ever-present ground , the source and the essence of all things .

  25. 这些犹太人被逼放弃了自己的本心,但其实他们只是想生存下去而已。

    The people of these Jewish communities were pushed to the absolute limit of their human instincts . They just wanted to survive .

  26. 本心这一超验本体的建立,就直接包含、规定了道德实践的途径和方法。

    The establishment of the pre-experienced ethical original substance - " Original-heart " contains and provides directly the ways and methods of moral practice .

  27. 人走了,再气他不忠、欺诈、无本心,他都不会回来。

    The person walked and annoy him again unfaithful to ruler , cheat and have no this heart , he will not come back .

  28. 只要你保持本心,追随你的兴趣,价值观和梦想,你的激情将引导你通向成功。

    As long as you remain true to yourself and follow your own interests , values and dreams , you can find success through passion .

  29. 这个11月,我请你们遵照本心,为有正确竞选理由的候选人投票。

    This November , I ask you to be true to yourself and vote for the candidate who you know is running for the right reasons .

  30. 自我(或本心)首先开始变化,停滞状态的移除有助于让你有能力最大化利用此“改革春风”的暖流。

    This happens first with the Self , and the removal of static facilitates your ability to best utilize this important flow of the'Wind of Change ' .