
  1. 提高4752型IC输出频率的方法

    Implements of Improving Output Frequency of 4752 Special Purpose IC

  2. 分析结果表明,谐振DC环节最佳参数仅仅决定于负载电阻和输出频率。

    The analysis and test result have proved that the optimal parameters of the Resonant DC are only determined by the load resistance and the output frequency .

  3. 欧洲的交流电输出频率通常为50赫兹。

    In Europe , AC is usually generated at 50 Hz .

  4. 并通过单片机产生PWM驱动脉冲控制变频器电源输出频率的随机可调;

    PWM pulse produced by microcontroller control frequency of the converter power adjusted at random .

  5. 针对人体电阻抗成像系统的要求,设计并实现了一种基于FPGA的激励信号源,输出频率范围为0~1.5MHz。

    A FPGA based signal generator is designed and implemented . The frequency covers from 0 to 1.5 MHz .

  6. 设计了一种电压控制LC振荡器,利用LC振荡电路作为振荡源,通过变容二极管来调节振荡器的频率,采用锁相环来提高输出频率的稳定度,以FPGA+单片机作为整个系统的测控部分。

    This paper presents a voltage-controlled LC oscillator with a phase-locked loop based on FPGA and MCU .

  7. 由于把调制波形的幅度量化成了频率字,构成了一个输出频率字的DDS。

    These DDS correspondingly become what consist of outputting words of frequencies due to quantizing the input waveform .

  8. 在CPLD内部实现了频率计功能,通过对输出频率进行反馈,实现对输出波形的频率进行精细调节,使输出频率更稳定。

    The high-resolution frequency control is implemented by the feedback of the cymometer which is programmed in CPLD , Frequencies will be very stable .

  9. 该方案实际上是一个输出频率受控的直接数字频率合成(DDS)系统。

    The digitized FM system is actually a Direct Digital Synthesis ( DDS ) system that the frequency of the output is controllable .

  10. DDS技术是一种先进的频率合成技术,其主要优点是易于程控,相位连续,输出频率稳定度高,分辨率高。

    DDS is an advanced technique on frequency synthesis , whose primary advantages are controlling facility , continuous phase and fine frequency resolution .

  11. 开发了一个通用的脉冲CO2激光器软件工具。可计算脉冲CO2激光器的相对增益系数、峰值增益谱、脉冲瞬态特性、输出频率特性和注入锁定特性。

    A universal software tool is developed for the calculation of relative gain coefficient , peak gain spectrum , pulse transient characteristics , output frequency characteristics , and injection-locking characteristics of pulsed CO_2 lasers .

  12. 重点对直接传递函数法进行了Matlab仿真,得出不同输出频率下的波形,并对每种波形进行了FFT变换得出谐波畸变率的大小。

    Simulate the directly transfer function method by Matlab , obtain the wave with different output frequency , and for each profile FFT transform the size of that harmonic distortion rate .

  13. 而滤波部分则设计了一个七阶椭圆滤波器滤除了DDS的杂散信号,获得了较好的输出频率特性。

    In filter part a seven-order elliptic filtrator is designed to filter spurious signals of DDS so that we can obtain a better output frequency characteristics .

  14. 频率跟踪模块采用单片机,实现VCO的输出频率与谐振腔的谐振频率实时相等。

    Frequency tracking module uses MCU and realizes that the output of VCO is equal to resonant frequency of the resonator .

  15. 驱动控制系统以DSP芯片为核心,输出频率、幅值和步数可调的波形,对执行器的运动进行驱动和定位。

    The DSP chip is the core of the drive-control and angle-detecting system . It produces the output signals which frequency , amplitude and step can be adjusted to drive the actuator rotary and position .

  16. 但是DDS采用全数字化结构,使其输出频率较低,绝对频率覆盖小,输出杂散较大。

    However , DDS is a full digital structure , which leads to low frequency , narrow absolute frequency coverage , and large spurious with its output .

  17. 通过对两个相同的LC振荡器进行交差耦合,用耦合系数来控制输出频率,设计了一种新型精准正交正弦波压控振荡器。

    The design of a new quadrature VCO ( Voltage Controlled Oscillator ) is obtained through a cross-coupled double LC oscillator , using the coupling coefficient to control oscillation frequency .

  18. 本文设计了一台高精度程控相移信号发生器,利用直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)的理论,输出频率稳定度高,分辨率高。

    This paper designs a high-precision programmable phase shift signal generator using direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDS ) theory , the output high frequency stability , high resolution .

  19. DDS的主要优点是其高分辨率和高捷变速度,但是其较低的输出频率和较差的杂散性能制约了其应用。

    The main merits of DDS are high resolution and fast frequency switching speed , but the defects of low output frequency and bad spurious performance restrict the application of DDS .

  20. 所设计的PLL频率合成器具有较宽的频带和编程能力,输出频率多达二十八个频点,满足大规模视频图象处理芯片对时钟的要求。

    The PLL frequency synthesizer designed has very wide operating frequency range and programmable ability . Its output frequency points are to meet demand for clock of very scalar video signal processing integrated circuit .

  21. 环形激光陀螺仪(RLG)的控制电路和信号处理方法直接影响着RLG的使用精度及净信号输出频率等性能。

    The control electronics and the signal processing for ring laser gyro ( RLG ) influence its accuracy and other performances , such as the dynamic capability etc.

  22. 频率合成器的输出频率范围2~29.9999MHz,频率间隔100Hz,换频时间小于0.01s。

    The frequency interval is 100 Hz , switching time less than 0.01 second .

  23. 应用的多样性要求PLL能够提供不同的输出频率,随着时钟频率的不断提升,系统对于锁相环的抖动性能越来越敏感。

    The diversity of applications has also led to require diversity in operating frequencies of PLL . As the increasing of system frequency , the system performance is much more sensitive to the jitter of the clock .

  24. 介绍了锁相环(PLL)技术和直接数字式频率合成(DDS)技术的基本工作原理,给出了一种提高DDS输出频率精度及减小其相位截断误差的方法。

    This paper introduces the theory of the phase-locked loop ( PLL ) and the direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) , a method to improve the precision of DDS and reduce its phase truncation error is also given .

  25. HSPICE仿真结果显示,振荡器输出频率稳定,且有较宽的外同步频率范围。

    HSPICE simulation results show that the oscillator has stable output frequency and wide range of external synchronization .

  26. 本振源是基于锁相频率合成技术的步进频率源,其通过键盘输入,可调节输出频率和功率,并可将本振源的输出频率信息和功率信息通过LCD显示。

    This right oscillator source is a typical step local one based on phase-locked frequency synthesis technology , whose frequency and power can be adjusted by external keyboard , and frequency as well as power information showed by liquid crystal display ( LCD ) .

  27. 对输出频率可变的高频信号源实现方案作了深入分析,比较了直接模拟合成、锁相环合成和直接数字合成(DDS)三种方法各自的优缺点。

    The RF signal source should be of variable output frequency , so we make comparison of direct analog synthesizers , phase-locked loop synthesis and direct digital synthesis ( DDS ), and present the respective advantages and disadvantages of three methods .

  28. 激励源的设计与实现,当输出频率10MHz时,带负载线圈的稳定输出特性满足实验要求;

    Designed and fulfilled the exciting source , and its output specifications loaded with a coil met the design requirements .

  29. 文章对天平的输出频率稳定性、质量灵敏度和低温凝结效应进行了测量,结果表明该天平在各个方面均能满足ASTME1559标准测试要求。

    Many measurements are taken to determine the stability of output frequency , mass sensitivity and condensation effect on cryogenic surface . The results demonstrate that the QCMs meet the requirement of ASTM E 1559 well .

  30. 此外,分析了VFC型模数转换在高输出频率、高采样率情况下数据的稳定性,并得出了有益的结论。

    Ln addition , the data stability of VFC running in the high full scale output frequence and high sampling frequency conditions are analysed and some useful conclusions are obtained .