
  • 网络output winding
  1. 理想变压器是指具有输入绕组与输出绕组的无损耗的设备。

    An ideal transformer is a lossless device with an input winding and an output winding .

  2. 多输出绕组串级电压互感器的阻抗计算

    Calculation of the Impedance of Serial Multi-Output-Coil Voltage Transformer

  3. 左此基础上,提出了选择定尺连续输出绕组跨距的理想数值,以及消除谐波,提高测量精度的方法。

    On this basis , the paper present to select an ideal span-value for continuous stator gauge output , to eliminate harmonics and to improve the accuracy .

  4. 采用功率法解决多输出绕组串级电压互感器的阻抗计算问题。

    A formula is given to calculate the impedance of serial voltage transformers with two or three output coils , which may be applied to product design .

  5. 主电路为发电机机端电压经过三相不控整流电路、BUCK斩波电路、单相逆变电路、高频变压器降压电路、单相不控整流电路以及滤波电路后输出给励磁绕组。

    The main circuit is made up of three-phase uncontrolled rectifier , BUCK chopping circuit , single-phase inverter , high-frequency transformer , single-phase uncontrolled rectifier and filter .

  6. 低压大电流输出的双绕组感应发电机系统优化设计

    Optimal Design of Dual Stator-Winding Induction Generator System with Low Voltage and Large Current Output

  7. 发电机的谐波组开路或短路,无三次谐波电压输出,检查绕组接头或拆换绕组。

    If no triple overtone voltage , check the winding lug or replace with another winding .

  8. 动力磁悬浮轴承也称为无轴承电机,其定子由两套绕组&即输出转矩的转矩绕组和提供悬浮力的悬浮绕组组成。

    Power Magnetic Bearing is also called Bearing-less Motor and its stator is composed of torque winding which outputs torque and suspension winding which outputs magnetic levitation force .

  9. 多路输出反激式变换器是在反激式变换器的磁芯上增加辅助输出绕组和整流电路构成的,所以它进一步提高了变换器的成本优势。

    A multiple-output flyback converter can be achieved when auxiliary output windings and rectifier circuits are added to a common flyback converter , so it enhances fatherly cost advantage of the converter .