
  • 网络output resistance;ROUT
  1. 使用的MOS管模型考虑了短沟道效应、栅源电容、栅漏电容和输出电阻。

    The MOS model used includes short-channel effects , gate-source capacitance , gate-drain capacitance , and output resistance .

  2. 根据射随器实际上是共集电极放大器这一特性,采用共集电极放大器的低频小信号h参数等效电路分析了射随器的输出电阻。

    For the property that the emitter follower is really a common-collector amplifier , we analyzed the output resistance of emitter follower using the h parameter equivalent circuit of common-collector amplifier .

  3. 运算放大电路输出电阻R(of)测量方法的改进

    An improved measurement of output resistor R_ ( of ) in calculation and magnification circuit

  4. 该CCCⅡ电路具有电压及电流传输精度高,电流输出电阻高、输出电流稳定的优点。

    The CCC ⅱ circuit has follow merits : high trace accuracy of voltage and current , high current output impedance and good current stability .

  5. 用γ和β射线分别对GaAs霍尔器件进行不同时间的辐照,测定了辐照前后器件的输入电阻、输出电阻、霍尔灵敏度等电磁参数。

    In this paper , the electromagnetic parameters of GaAs Hall transducer , such as input resistance , output resistance and Hall sensitivity , etc , were first measured before and after irradiation with gamma and electron rays .

  6. 应用电路分析方法、不作近似处理,导出了负反馈电路闭环输入电阻rif和输出电阻rof的完全解析式函数关系式。

    A practicable and complete analytic formula of closed-loop input output resistance r_ ( if )、 r_ ( of ) for the negative-feedback amplifier was given by circuit analytic method .

  7. 制作的磁敏霍尔元件输入与输出电阻范围为200~500Ω,乘积灵敏度达90~150V/A·T。

    The input and output resistance for the InSb thin film Hall element fabricated are 200 ~ 500 Ω, and sensitivity is in the range of 90 ~ 150 V / A · T.

  8. 用图解分析法分析放大器的输入、输出电阻

    Analysis on the Input and Output Resistances of Amplifier with Graphic Method

  9. 文章提出了电压-电流反馈的概念,指出电压-电流反馈对放大器的输出电阻无改善作用,也不能产生恒压输出或恒流输出。

    A concept of voltage-current feedback is put forward .

  10. 用缩减定理求共集放大电路的输出电阻

    Using Curtailed Theorem method to get the output resistance of common-collector amplification circuit

  11. 关于负反馈放大电路输出电阻的研究

    Study of Output Resistance of Negative Feedback Amplification Circuit

  12. 交叉多路反馈系统输入输出电阻的计算

    Calculation method of input and output resistance of multiple

  13. 射随器输出电阻的分析

    Analysis of the output resistance of emitter follower

  14. 根据电路原理,应用解析方法导出了四种形式负反馈放大器的输入、输出电阻关系式。

    The input and output resistances of a negative-feedback amplifier is calculated by analytic method .

  15. 信号源内阻对放大器源增益和输出电阻的影响

    The Effect of Resistance of Signal Source to Gain and Output Resistance of Negative Feedback Amplifier

  16. 能全面描述影响输入、输出电阻的电路参数。

    New obtained formula can describe better influence of the circuit parameter to input and output resistances .

  17. 交叉多路反馈系统的分析方法及其计算机辅助计算交叉多路反馈系统输入输出电阻的计算

    Analysis of multiple feedback systems and computer aided calculation calculation method of input and output resistance of multiple

  18. 该模型的驱动器由输出电阻和电容组成,负载为容性负载。

    The model has a driver , which comprises an output resistance and capacitance , and a capacitive load .

  19. 从并联电压负反馈的角度,对输入电阻和输出电阻给出了下列4种方法的定量讨论。

    From the negative feedback aspect of the parallel voltage , this paper quantitatively discusses input and output resistances by employing 4 methods .

  20. 电路中引入负反馈,使输入、输出电阻均发生变化,并且输入、输出电阻对放大电路有很大的影响。

    The introduction of the negative feedback in circuit changes the input and output resistances , which have great influence on magnifying circuit .

  21. 如把温度传感器的输出电阻信号转换为电压信号,并进行放大处理以适合A/D转换。

    Such as transform the output resistance signal of the temperature sensor into voltage signal , and then was enlarged to adapt the A / D electric circuit .

  22. 在对精密测量的地震检波器的参数进行数据分析的基础上,揭示了地震检波器输出电阻、自然频率、阻尼和灵敏度等4个参数的温度响应,分析讨论了有关参数对温度的变化规律。

    Based on data analysis for the parameters measured in high precision , their responses to temperature are revealed , including the output resistance , natural frequency , damping and sensitivity .

  23. 电压放大倍数、输入及输出电阻是交流放大电路中最基本的三种指标,其分析和求解过程比较繁琐。

    The voltage amplification multiple , the input resistance and the output resistance are the most elementary three targets in the Alternating Magnifying circuit , which has a process of quite complicated analysis and solution .

  24. 结果表明:γ和β射线辐照使器件的输入、输出电阻增加,但霍尔灵敏度可能增加也可能减小,其与射线种类、辐照时间密切相关。

    The results indicated that the values of input resistance and output resistance were enhanced , but the Hall sensitivity could be increased or decreased , which is related to the type of rays and time of irradiation .

  25. 文章中讨论了一种不再含有受控源,可直接应用电阻的串、并联公式确定放大电路输出电阻的方法&缩减定理法。

    This paper discusses a kind of method which does not have any controlled source , but it can directly use the formula of series or parallel resistance to confirm the output resistance of the amplification circuit-Curtailed Theorem Method .

  26. 基于A参数,利用网络分析法导出了不平衡电桥的输入、输出电阻和输出电流表达式,同时给出了电桥灵敏度的表达式,并将结果与相关讨论进行了比较。

    A unbalanced electro-bridge is studied by network method basd on A parameter of network . The expressions for input resistance , output resistance , output current and electro-bridge sensitivity are all given , and the results is compared with connected argument .

  27. 证明了两个定理,给出了由于引入二端网络所引起的网络增益,输入电阻和输出电阻的解析表达式。任一由受控源和电阻连接构成的二端网络总可以用一个电阻来等效。

    At the same time , two theorems were testified . And finally the paper put forward the analytic expressions for the gain factor and the input and output resistances of the network , which were produced by inserting a two terminal network in the original network .

  28. 输入大于零时,A1起放大作用,输出经电阻R5连到A2的求和节点。

    For positive inputs , A1 operates as a normal amplifier connected to the A2 summing point through resistor , R5 .

  29. 采用外接输出采样电阻的方式,实现输出电压的可编程。芯片内设过热保护和欠压保护,以实现电路的可靠性操作。

    The sensor resistor is externally connected , which realize output voltage programmable .

  30. 其电路输出的电阻或电位的变化是逐级平缓地进行,没有跳变现象。

    Its main feature is that the changing of resistance or potential of circuit output is progressive , step by step , without skipping .