
  1. 本次地震也是一次机遇,将使我们注重“建设更美好的海地,同时加强工程建设规范和监督检查制度,”Tsikata说。

    It will also be an opportunity to focus on " building better in Haiti while strengthening codes and the institutions that supervise constructions ," Tsikata said .

  2. 完善药品行政管理法律体系建立执法监督检查制度

    Perfecting Drug Administrative Laws and Establishing the Supervision system

  3. 价格监督检查制度是经济监督的重要内容之一。

    Price intendance and inspect mechanism is one of the most important content of economy intendance .

  4. 应建立分散实习制度和监督检查制度方能达到预期效果。

    To achieve the anticipated effect , the scattered practice system and the supervision checking system should be built .

  5. 其三,建立完善的稽核审计体系,完善专业监督检查制度。

    Fourth , establish a complete audit of the audit system and improve the professional supervision and inspection system .

  6. 文章阐述了合同管理在现代企业经营管理活动中的重要作用,并提出了建立完善的合同管理体系、审查制度、监督检查制度的具体办法。

    The paper expounds important role of contract management in modern enterprise , and it points out concrete methods of establishing perfect contract management , audit system and supervision system .

  7. 因此,对如何完善行政许可监督检查制度有必要进行研究和探讨,使行政许可能够实施得更加有理、有力、有序、有效。

    Therefore , it is necessary for researches and discussions on the improvement of supervision & inspection systems for administrative permission to insure they run in a more orderly , effective and efficient way .

  8. 建设用地供给的生态危机预警制度的主要内容有:建立建设用地供给的生态安全监控系统、生态危机指标体系、危机预警体系、监督检查制度等。

    The content of ecological crisis early warning system of the supply includes the monitoring system of ecological security , the index system of ecological crisis , crisis early warning system , the supervision and inspection system and etc. .

  9. 健全规章制度,明确奖惩办法;建立和完善监督、检查、考核制度;

    Form and perfect the system of supervision , examination , and check ;