
  1. 商品身份数码识别系统是一个用于防伪、打假和企业物流管理的综合系统,是根据国家质量技术监督总局要求和企业需求开发的。

    The commodity status digit recognition system is a comprehensive system for the use of anti-fake , crack down on counterfeit goods and business logistics management .

  2. 根据国家技术监督总局2002年颁发的眼管道、压力容器焊工考试规则演要求,提出了焊工培训的重要性,确定出人员基本条件、理论基础、技能训练等方面焊工培训的各环节要素。

    The importance of welder training is put , the key elements of welder training which including personnel primary condition , theoretical foundation , skill training is determined .

  3. 国家安全监督总局调度中心的数据显示,近二十年来,我国煤矿事故年均死亡人数都在六千左右,即每天都有将近二十名矿工丧生于矿难。

    National safety supervision and administration of dispatching center data show that the past twenty years , China mining accidents in annual death toll around 6,000 , namely everyday have nearly twenty miners died in coal mining accidents .

  4. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(ChinaFoodandDrugAdministration)在临床试验监管方面行动缓慢,往往被认为是另一个障碍。

    Slow-paced regulation of clinical trials by the China Food and Drug Administration is often cited as another obstacle .

  5. 国家安全生产监督管理总局(stateadministrationofworksafety)周末期间下令,要求地势低的煤矿检查自己的排水系统,并在大雨期间停止作业。

    At the weekend , the State Administration of work safety ordered low-lying coal mines to check their drainage systems and stop production during heavy rains .

  6. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局宣布,已加速审批通过了抗流感新药帕拉米韦氯化钠注射液(Peramivir),这种药是由美国上市生物技术公司BioCrystPharmaceuticals研发的。

    China 's Food and Drug Administration said it had fast-tracked approval for intravenous anti-influenza drug Peramivir , developed by US-listed biotechnology firm BioCryst Pharmaceuticals .

  7. 微芯生物科技有限公司(Chipscreen)研发的治疗淋巴瘤新药西达本胺(Chidamide)最近获得了中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)的批准。

    Meanwhile Chipscreen , recently received Chinese FDA approval for Chidamide , a novel treatment for lymphoma .

  8. 国家食品药品监督管理总局称,正在建立疫苗从生产到使用的全程追溯制度。

    The CFDA said a system was being set up to track vaccines from production to use .

  9. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局周二部署各地彻查上海福喜供货的餐厅。

    China 's Food and Drug Administration ordered nationwide checks Tuesday of restaurants that Shanghai Husi supplied .

  10. 目前国家安全生产监督管理总局已派出工作小组前往事故现场,指导救援工作。

    A work team from the State Administration of Work Safety has been sent to the scene to guide the rescue efforts .

  11. 国家食品药品监督管理总局在一份声明中表示,帕拉米韦是一种新型的抗流感病毒药物,现有临床试验数据证明其对甲型和乙型流感有效。

    Peramivir is in medical trials to prove its effectiveness against type-A and type-B influenza , the administration said in a statement .

  12. 不过,中国的国家食品药品监督管理总局称,接种涉案疫苗不会对受种者带来常规不良反应以外的安全性风险。

    The China Food and Drug Administration said , however , that the vaccines posed no greater than the normal risk to patients .

  13. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局表示,当地监管机构要担负起提高乳制品公司安全与管理的全部责任。

    The China Food and Drug Administration says local supervisory bodies must take full responsibility for helping milk firms improve their safety and management .

  14. 2020年11月,国家市场监督管理总局发布《网络平台反垄断规则(征求意见稿)》,并向社会公开征求意见。

    In November 2020 , the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the anti-monopoly draft rules for online platforms and made it open for public consultation .

  15. 为保障企业安全管理人才队伍建设,国家和地方政府以及国家安全生产监督管理总局等部门相继出台了许多法律法规和制度。

    To protect the enterprise safety management personnel , national and local governments and the State Administration of Work Safety have introduced a number of laws and regulations and systems .

  16. 2003年至2004年,国家安全生产监督管理总局组织了金属非金属尾矿库安全状况的调查,调查了2692座代表性的尾矿库。

    From 2003 to 2004 , State Administration of Work Safety has made an investigation on safety situation of metal and nonmetal tailing pond . 2692 representative tailing ponds have been researched .

  17. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局本月表示,供应短缺是“暂时性的”,是“工作衔接”造成的,并表示“我国疫苗生产能力可满足市场需求”。

    The supply shortage is " temporary " and caused by " work integration issues , " the China Food and Drug Administration said this month , adding that " national production can meet market demand . "

  18. 2001年11月,建设部和国家质量监督检疫总局联合发布了《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》。

    November 2001 , Ministry of Construction Combined with General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of the People , s Republic of China Publishing the 《 Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering 》 .

  19. 国家安全生产监督管理总局在其官方网站上发布声明,要求各大公司关闭它们在灾区的油矿和油井,直到情况有所好转,工人可安全返岗后再恢复生产。

    China 's State Administration of Work Safety told companies to shut oil wells and mines in affected areas until conditions improve and workers can safely return to their jobs , according to a statement posted on its Web site .

  20. 根据国家市场监督管理总局的一份声明,宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司将从10月29日起,召回自2013年7月19日至2015年6月5日期间生产的939辆进口柴油车。

    BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd. will recall 939 imported diesel-powered X5 vehicles manufactured between July 19 , 2013 and June 5 , 2015 , starting from October 29 , according to a statement from the State Administration for Market Regulation .

  21. 然而,10月11日,中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局却宣布,三星将召回中国大陆地区的盖乐世Note7手机。

    However , China 's General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine said on Oct 11 that Samsung is to recall Galaxy Note 7 phones on the Chinese mainland .

  22. 今年6月份时,就有一位消费者向中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(GeneralAdministrationofQualitySupervision,InspectionandQuarantine)提出投诉,但没有提供详细情况,因此质检总局并未调查此事。

    Then in June , a consumer complained to China 's General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine but gave no detailed information , so the agency didn 't investigate the matter .

  23. 一项重要成果是中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)与美国食品药品管理局(FDA)之间达成的加强合作的协议。

    One important result is an agreement on closer co-operation between China 's General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine and the US Food and Drug Administration .

  24. “中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)”是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权唯一在我国进行实验室认可的权威组织。

    " China National Accreditation ( CNAS )" by the State Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and quarantine authorized only in our laboratory accreditation authority .

  25. 中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(简称:质检总局)周五表示,中国已退运54.5万吨美国进口玉米,因在这些玉米中检出未经农业部批准的转基因成分MIR-162(这一抗虫害基因在欧美国家合法)。

    China 's quality watchdog said Friday it repatriated 545000 metric tons of U.S. corn because it contained MIR-162 , an insect-resistant strain permitted in the U.S. and Europe but not approved by China 's agriculture ministry .

  26. 方法按照国家质量监督检验检疫总局统一制定的方法进行监测。

    Methods Use the methods issued by the national quality supervision and inspection quarantine bureau .

  27. 协议的达成取决于中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局。

    Completion of the deal rests with the Chinese General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine .

  28. 四川省质监局积极争取国家质量监督检验检疫总局对灾区企业创中国名牌产品的政策支持。

    Sichuan Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision actively tried to gain the policy support from General Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision .

  29. 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局公告2003年第115号

    Announcement No. 115 , 2003 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of the People 's Republic of China

  30. 在此系统下,欧洲委员会向国家质量监督检验检疫总局提交的信息&关于报导的在欧盟市场上中国原产的有毒物品。

    Under the system , the European Commission submits information to AQSIQ about dangerous products of Chinese origin reported on the EU market .