
jiān yù zhì dù
  • prison system
  1. WTO背景下的我国监狱制度调适初探

    First exploration on adjusting to our prison system at the background of WTO

  2. 戴维叔叔:这就是阿尔卡特兹的监狱制度。

    Uncle Davie : That was the prison system in Alcatraz .

  3. 监狱制度体系构建的立法思考

    Reflection of the Legislation of the Organic Construction the Prison System

  4. 试论先秦时期的监狱制度

    On the Prison System of Pre - Ch ' in Period

  5. 试论夏商周时期的监狱制度

    On the Jail System of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties

  6. 唐代监狱制度述要

    A survey of the jailing system in Tang Dynasty

  7. 监狱制度随着监狱职能的嬗变而不断变化。

    The jail system changes continuously along with variety of the jail function .

  8. 刑罚与监狱制度

    Penalty and Prison System Is the population bonus large

  9. 中国古代监狱制度源远流长。

    Ancient Chinese prison system has a long history .

  10. 监狱制度变迁研究

    A Study on the Institutional Changes of Prison

  11. 论清末新政时期的监狱制度改革&以新式模范监狱为中心的考察

    The Prison System Reform During the New Deal Period of the Late Qing Dynasty

  12. 她关于需要一个更人道的监狱制度的发言很有说服力。

    She spoke very convincingly of the need for a more humane prison system .

  13. 他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁。

    Their ideas about reforming the prison system are just pie in the sky .

  14. 他主张改良监狱制度。

    He advocates reforming the prison system .

  15. 军事监狱制度若干理论问题研究

    Several Theoretical Questions of Military Prison System

  16. 我国古代监狱制度述论

    The Prison System of China in History

  17. 监狱制度是实施监狱管理的重要工具。

    The prison management system is the important tool for the execution of the prison management .

  18. 监狱制度的完备又代表着司法制度中的人道主义得到重视。

    Complete the prison system reflected that the judicial system had been an emphasis on humanitarian .

  19. 中国现代监狱制度价值解读

    Value of China Modern Prison System

  20. 我国古代监狱制度的发展深受政治、经济发展的制约和影响;

    The development of prison system in antique China was conditioned by that of politics and economy ;

  21. 土耳其的监狱制度之残酷严厉举世闻名,而他被审判在土耳其监狱服刑三十年。

    After being caught , he was sentenced to thirty years in the harsh Turkish prison system .

  22. 所以监狱制度本身所固有的狭隘性与阶级性是无法避免的。

    Therefore , the prison system inherent in the narrow and class nature can not be avoided .

  23. 她称我们的监狱制度似乎在创造惯犯而并非教导罪犯不再犯法。

    She claims that our prison system seems to create recidivists rather than discouraging criminals from reoffending .

  24. 他的建议基于一种假定;监狱制度已经过时,毫无用处。

    His suggestions are based on an assumption that the prison system is out of date and worthless .

  25. 以市场经济为制度维度的中国现代监狱制度构建,是现代性的反思与重新架构。

    Constructing the market economy system as latitude , Chinese modern prison system , which is modernity reconsidering and reconstruction .

  26. 法治、权利、科学、改造、文明、谦抑等是中国现代监狱制度的价值。

    Legality , right , science , correction , civilization and modesty are all value of China modern prison system .

  27. 盛唐时期,监狱制度完备而先进,对后世和东亚各国有深远影响。

    Tang Dynasty , the prison system and well-advanced , and future generations of East Asian countries have far-reaching effects .

  28. 清末(1840&1911年)是我国监狱制度发展的一个转折时期。

    Final stage of Ching Dynasty ( 1840-1911 ) is a turning period for development of prison system of our country .

  29. 军事监狱制度是国家监狱制度的重要组成部分,最终归属于国家的刑罚执行体系。

    Military prison system is the important part of national prison system , and it belongs to the national punishment exercise system .

  30. 狱囚的逃脱是对朝廷和法律权威以及监狱制度的挑战,当然为朝廷所严禁。

    As the inmates'breakout was a challenge to the Court and the legal authorities , it was consequently strictly prohibited by the Court .