
xínɡ fǎ jī běn yuán zé
  • Basic Principles of Criminal Law;fundamental principle of criminal law
  1. 严打与刑法基本原则的体现

    Strike Hard and Reflection of Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  2. 刑法基本原则的困惑与解读

    Puzzlement and Comment on the Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  3. 刑事自由裁量权与刑法基本原则关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Discretion and the Fundamental Principles of Criminal Law

  4. 对新刑法基本原则的理性思考

    Reflections on the New Criminal Law s

  5. 比较而言,必减原则体现了罪刑均衡的刑法基本原则。

    In contrast , the principle of certain reduction has balanced the basic principles of criminal law .

  6. 建议在立法上完善刑法基本原则体系,增加刑法基本原则的例外规定。

    The system of basic principles of criminal law should be completed and exceptions should be provided .

  7. 作为现代刑法基本原则的罪责刑相适应的内容并不是一成不变的,而具有鲜明的时代特征。

    As the basic principles of modern criminal law , suiting punishment to crime suites to the characteristics of the times .

  8. 价值观念的变迁对刑法基本原则的影响&论罪刑法定主义面临的挑战和应对

    Impact of the Changes of Value Concept on the Principles of Criminal Law & Challenges Facing the Principle of Legality and Countermeasures Concerned

  9. 在价值层面反映为法条竞合适用原则与刑法基本原则可能存在冲突,罪刑法定原则与罪刑相当原则哪一个应优先适用。

    The conflict between the basic principles of criminal law and the applicable principle of enactments overlapping is the most part of value aspect .

  10. 刑法基本原则拷问&试论法律面前人人平等不适为刑法的基本原则

    Questioning the Basic Criminal Law Principle & On " All People Are Equal before the Law " Is not Appropriate to the Basic Principle of Criminal Law

  11. 刑法基本原则属于法律规范范畴,它仅是指导和制约刑事司法工作的原则,而不是指导和制约刑法立法工作的原则。

    The basic principles of criminal law belong to rules of law , which not guide and restrict the work of criminal legislation but the work of criminal judicature .

  12. 第3章通过定罪与量刑关系的分析,指出二者在性质、目的和任务、遵循刑法基本原则方面的差别。

    The third chapter through the conviction and sentencing of relationship analysis , pointed out that the two in the nature , purpose and task , follow the basic principles of criminal law differences .

  13. 单位犯罪自首是贯彻刑法基本原则的必然要求,它符合我国设立自首制度的立法意旨,是承认单位犯罪的逻辑必然。

    Self-accusation of unit offense is inexorable for carrying out criminal basic principles , according with the legislative intention of establishing self-accusation system in our country , and logical necessity to acknowledge unit offense .

  14. 但从我国刑法基本原则、犯罪的基本特征、犯罪的构成要件、患者死亡的原因等方面分析,实施安乐死的行为不构成故意杀人罪。

    But analyze from the basic principles , basic character of crime , necessary form conditions and the death reason of the patients , the euthanasia actors should not be convicted as the intentional killers .

  15. 其目的符合刑法基本原则和量刑一般原则,其本质是法官自由裁量权的具体运用;

    The purpose of " reference " way is in accordance to the basic principles and general principles of sentence and the nature of " reference " way is concrete application of discretion of judges .

  16. 以刑法基本原则作为法律推理的前提,不会导致道德在审理过程中代替法律。

    With the basic principle of the criminal law as the premise of the legal reasoning , it could not result in substituting the morality for the law throughout the whole trial process of a case .

  17. 刑事和解与刑法基本原则关系问题是完善刑事和解所必需的基础性理论,鉴于此重大价值,从理论研究角度深入探讨正是本文的写作意旨所在。

    The relationship between the fundamental principles of criminal law and VOR is a necessary theory to perfecting VOR , in view of this great value , this article is meant to thorough investigation from the angle of theoretical research .

  18. 作为世界各国刑法基本原则之一的罪刑均衡经历了刑事古典学派的一元均衡,刑事实证学派的一元均衡,发展到一体论的二元均衡。

    As one of basic principles of criminal laws all over the world , the balance between a crime and a punishment has been going through three stages , which include that of the classical school , the positivist school and comprehensive school .

  19. 将依法成立、能够独立承担刑事责任的单位分支机构及内设部门自行决定实施的犯罪归咎于单位,与罪责自负的刑法基本原则相抵触;

    Place the blame for by law establishing , can independence undertaking unit branch organization and insides of the pertaining to crime duty establishing section by oneself deciding the crime that puts into practice on the unit , conflict with with basic principle in complacent penal code in responsibility for ;

  20. 论我国刑法的基本原则

    Discussing basic principle of criminal law in our country

  21. 浅议军事刑法的基本原则

    On the Principles of Military Criminal Law

  22. 本文将为他人谋取利益予以取消并对法条重新设置的观点,与法学基础理论和刑法的基本原则是相吻合的。

    The view of the thesis is accordant with the basic theory and basic principles .

  23. 刑法的基本原则在刑法典的制定上起着重要的作用。

    The basic principles of the criminal law played a great role in the making of the penal code .

  24. 与刑法的基本原则不同,在法定刑的设置过程中应当有独立的原则。

    Different to the basic principles of criminal law , it has its independent principles in legislation of criminal responsibility .

  25. 这既是刑法的基本原则,也是量刑公正的一般标准。

    This is not only the basic principles of Criminal Law , but the general standard of a fair decision as well .

  26. 学生要了解刑法的基本原则,什么是重罪,以及在什么情况下会触及刑事责任,刑事诉讼程序的基本知识和被告人的权利等等。

    Students will have knowledge of the basic principles of criminal law relating to definition of felonies and the circumstances which affect criminal liability .

  27. 并以环境犯罪为切入点,从刑法的基本原则、犯罪及犯罪构成要件入手,分析了在环境犯罪中适用严格责任的合理性。

    The essay starts from environmental crime involving in basic principles of environmental law , crime and its elements of constitution , analyzing the rationality of applying strict responsibility to environmental crimes .

  28. 解决这一问题的关键首先在于正确认识非法占有目的的内涵,并结合刑法的基本原则和犯罪构成理论进行综合分析。

    The key to this confusion is to define the connotation and denotation of " motives of unlawful possession " with the rules of criminal law and the theory of crime formation .

  29. 第二是保安处分违背了刑法的基本原则&罪刑法定原则和罪刑相适应原则。

    The second is that security measure violates the basic principle of criminal law & the principle of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime and the principle of suiting punishment to crime .

  30. 其次,作者认为刑罚个别化原则既不是刑法的基本原则,也不只是量刑原则,而是指导量刑和行刑的刑罚适用原则;

    Second , the author thinks that the CI is neither a criminal fundamental principle , nor only a sentence principle , but a criminal application principle guiding the sentence and execution of penalty ;