
xínɡ shì zhènɡ cè
  • criminal policy
  1. 刑事政策视角下的社区警务预防工作研究

    Study of Community Police Guard Work in View of Criminal Policy

  2. 未成年人犯罪刑事政策适用问题

    The Issue Of the Application of Criminal Policy to Minor Offenders

  3. 德国刑事政策的任务、原则及司法实践

    The Tasks , Principles and Judicial Practice of German Criminal Policy

  4. 期待可能性&刑事政策的理性选择

    The Possibility of Expectation , the Rational Select of Criminal Policy

  5. 最好的社会政策是最好的刑事政策。

    The best social policy is the best criminal policy .

  6. 犯罪、社会稳定与刑事政策的关系初探

    An Inquiry into Interaction among Crime and Social Stability and Penal Policy

  7. 犯罪必然性规律及其刑事政策意义

    The Certainty Law of the Crime and Criminal Policy Meaning

  8. 刑事政策视野中的跨国洗钱犯罪研究

    On Transnational Money - Laundering Crime from the Perspective of Criminal Policy

  9. 刑事政策在刑事司法体系中具有极其重要的地位。

    Criminal policy occupies a very important position in criminal justice system .

  10. 论中国累犯刑事政策的重构

    The Re-Construction of the Criminal Policy against Recidivists in China

  11. 刑事政策模式分析具有应用意义。

    Criminal policy pattern analysis is highly of practical significance .

  12. 刑事政策对刑罚结构的调整具有重要的指导意义。

    Criminal policy has important significance to adjustment of penalty .

  13. 职务犯罪预防的刑事政策意义

    On the Criminal Policy Value of the Prevention of the Official Crimes

  14. 刑事政策;犯罪嫌疑人的确认

    Second , pertaining to crime policy ; Determination of the Criminal Suspect

  15. 再次,刑事政策的导向作用。

    Again , the guiding role of the criminal policy .

  16. 刑事政策也是一个聚讼不休的概念。

    The concept of criminal policy also attracts constant debates .

  17. 持有型犯罪的刑事政策分析

    Analysis of the Criminal Policy Concerning the Possession Crimes

  18. 将人格纳入刑事政策的犯罪学理由

    The Criminology Reason Bring Personality into the Crime Policy

  19. 非洲国家现行刑事政策及未来展望

    Current Criminal Policy and its Future in African Nations

  20. 论党的刑事政策与我国刑法的关系

    The Relation Between the Party 's Criminal Policy and Criminal Law in China

  21. 扩大教育面缩小司法面&未成年人犯罪的刑事政策探讨

    More Education and Less Justice ── A Discussion on Criminal Policy of Delinquency

  22. 宽严相济刑事政策与检察工作

    On the Criminal Policy of Temper Justice with Mercy and the Procuratorial Work

  23. 两极化刑事政策下的刑罚制度改革设想

    On the Penalty Reform under the Impact of the Polarized Modern Criminal Policy

  24. 构建和谐社会与宽严相济刑事政策之实现

    On Harmonious Society Construction And The Realization Of Temper Justice With Mercy Policy

  25. 论社会变迁与刑事政策的调整

    On Social Changes and the Regulation of Criminal Policy

  26. 刑事政策是国家面对犯罪而作出的公共选择。

    Criminal policies are the public choices of a country faced with crimes .

  27. 如何寻求公诉工作与宽严相济刑事政策的契合点

    On how to seek meeting point of prosecution and the policy of both-strict-and-lenient

  28. 刑法、刑事政策与社区矫正

    Criminal Law , Criminal Policy and Community Correction

  29. 如何促进刑事政策合理化?

    How to promote the crime policy rationalization ?

  30. 法家刑事政策思想研究

    Research on Thoughts of Criminal Policy of Legalists