
xínɡ xùn bī ɡònɡ zuì
  • crime of extorting a confession by torture
  1. 精神折磨能否构成刑讯逼供罪。

    " Mental torture " can constitute the crime of torture .

  2. 刑讯逼供罪转化犯规定的理解。

    Extorting confessions by torture into committing the crime of the provisions of understanding .

  3. 本文认为,纯粹的精神折磨不构成刑讯逼供罪。

    This paper argues that a purely " mental torture " does not constitute the crime of torture .

  4. 刑讯逼供罪,是为了遏制审讯过程中司法工作人员采用暴力手段逼取口供的行为而设置的罪名。

    Extort confessions by torture crime is a charge that is in order to curb judicial staff use violence to get oral confession in the interrogate process .

  5. 该部分遵循我国理论界的犯罪构成四要件说一一阐述刑讯逼供罪的犯罪构成:1.犯罪客体。

    This section follows the theoretical circle of crime in China constitute 11 set out four elements that constitute a crime , the crime of torture : 1 . Criminal object .

  6. 刑讯逼供罪的犯罪客体是复杂客体&被害人的人身权利和司法机关的正常活动。

    The object of the Crime of torture is a complex object , with a dual nature , both victims of a violation of personal rights , but also hinder the normal activities of the judiciary .

  7. 修改伤残一语,去掉关于犯罪转化的规定,直接规定为刑讯逼供罪,按照情节的加重情形提高法定刑。

    Change , " disabled " a phrase to remove the provisions on criminal conversion , a direct requirement for the crime of torture , according to the circumstances of the aggravating circumstances to improve Legal Sentence .

  8. 刑讯逼供罪是古今中外司法活动中一种常见的犯罪。由于受历史、自然、社会等因素的影响,在我国表现尤甚,虽屡禁而不止。

    The torturing crime is a familiar offence in judicial activities both at home and abroad , especially it is more familiar in our country as a result of the influence of such factors as history , nature and society , etc.

  9. 刑讯逼供法定刑的改造重点在于刑种的增加和层次的细化,改造后的刑讯逼供罪的法定刑可从源头上杜绝明显错案的再次发生。

    The key reform of legal penalty is to increase types and levels , and the wrong cases will be prevented by the new legal penalty of torture .