- crime of extorting a confession by torture

" Mental torture " can constitute the crime of torture .
Extorting confessions by torture into committing the crime of the provisions of understanding .
This paper argues that a purely " mental torture " does not constitute the crime of torture .
Extort confessions by torture crime is a charge that is in order to curb judicial staff use violence to get oral confession in the interrogate process .
This section follows the theoretical circle of crime in China constitute 11 set out four elements that constitute a crime , the crime of torture : 1 . Criminal object .
The object of the Crime of torture is a complex object , with a dual nature , both victims of a violation of personal rights , but also hinder the normal activities of the judiciary .
Change , " disabled " a phrase to remove the provisions on criminal conversion , a direct requirement for the crime of torture , according to the circumstances of the aggravating circumstances to improve Legal Sentence .
The torturing crime is a familiar offence in judicial activities both at home and abroad , especially it is more familiar in our country as a result of the influence of such factors as history , nature and society , etc.
The key reform of legal penalty is to increase types and levels , and the wrong cases will be prevented by the new legal penalty of torture .