
  1. 从刑罚人道主义看死刑

    Observing Death Penalty from the Angle of Punishing Humanitarianism

  2. 刑罚人道主义的实现途径

    How to Realize the Penal Humanitarianism

  3. 反对重刑酷罚,主张并实践刑罚人道主义等。

    He objected to severe punishment and thought that criminal penalty should be accoding to humanitarianism .

  4. 刑罚人道主义若干问题探讨

    Penalties for certain humanitarian problems

  5. 刑罚人道主义原则与罪刑法定原则一样成为近代刑事法性质的一个重要标志,也是人的权利开始得到全面尊重的起点,更是近代刑事法区别于传统刑事法的重要特征。

    Namely , humanitarian concern over criminal law as well as the legality of crime and punishment has become an important earmark in the development of modem penal law .

  6. 自18世纪,随着罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应和刑罚人道主义思想的相继确立,人类社会对废除死刑的呼声就越来越强烈。

    Since the 18th century , with the legality , guilt and the penalty the punishment fit the humanitarian ideas have been established , human society calls to abolish the death penalty is getting stronger .

  7. 刑罚人道主义及其原则作为折射刑罚文明程度的尺度使刑罚越来越具有人性、仁爱的特性,并且已成为了历史发展的必然趋势和国际社会的共识。

    As the standard of reflecting the penalty civilization level , the penalty humanitarianism and its principle makes the penalty more and more benevolent and it becomes the historical trend and common recognition of international society .

  8. 本章中笔者首先论述完善我国非监禁刑制度应该遵循的指导原则,即坚持刑罚人道主义原则和坚持谦抑性的刑罚原则。

    In this chapter the author first discusses the perfection of non imprisonment punishment system should adhere to the guiding principles , adhere to the principle of humanitarianism of punishment and adhere to the principle of penalty modesty .

  9. 本文主要从刑罚人道主义、教育刑理论、行刑社会化理论、行刑的经济化理论以及深化的回归理论五个方面来分析社区矫正的理论基础。

    This paper analyzed the theoretical basis of Community Correction mainly from the five aspects of the penalty humanitarian , education criminal theory , social theory of execution , economic theory of execution and deepening theory of return .

  10. 在近代刑法理念启蒙之初,贝卡利亚就提出了刑法的三大基本原则:罪刑法定原则、罪刑等价原则以及刑罚人道主义原则。

    At the beginning of the establishment of the modern penal conceptions , advanced three basic principles of criminal law : legality of crime and punishment , proportionate punishment for a specific crime , and humanitarian principle of penal law .

  11. 刑罚人道主义的实现途径死刑废止论者与死刑存置论者各执一词,死刑存废之争,如果不从人道主义的精神与原则出发,许多问题是难有结论的,甚至将走向歧途。

    Those who are for and against death penalty each other cling to their own opinion . If we do not consider such argument from the spirit and principle of punishing humanitarianism , then it is difficult for us to achieve any conclusion of many questions ;

  12. 它不是研究人的表面,也不是孤立地研究人的某个方面的特点,而是从整体上研究人。第一部分刑罚执行人道主义的根据,主要从文化根据和法律根据两个方面进行考察。

    It is not the study of human surface , nor is the study of human isolation characteristics of a particular aspect , but of a whole people .

  13. 财产刑刑罚的人道主义,是指在具体执行财产刑时,充分尊重被执行财产权益相关人的合法权益,不损害其正当权益。

    Executing humanism with property penalty refers that the legitimate rights and interests of related people who are implemented property rights and interests are supposed to be respected and guaranteed when carrying out property penalty .

  14. 随着经济的发展和文化的积淀,英德法日等发达国家纷纷对死刑制度进行改革,甚至废除死刑,刑罚的人道主义改革在世界范围内如火如荼地展开。

    With the economic development and cultural heritage , Britain and Germany , France , Japan and other developed countries have reformed or even abolished the death penalty one after another and the humanistic reform on the death penalty has been in full swing in the whole world .

  15. 贝卡利亚的《论犯罪与刑罚》饱含着人道主义精神,为欧洲的刑法带来了人道主义之光,对后世影响深远。

    " On Crimes and Punishments by Beccaria " abounds with humanism thinking , and it is the dawn of European countries'criminal law , and has far-reaching influence on the coming days .

  16. 主张死刑废除的人认为死刑违背社会契约论,是残酷的刑罚,不符合人道主义,一旦错杀便无法纠错。

    Advocate the death penalty abolition of people think of death penalty against social contract theory , is the brutal punishment , do not accord with humanitarian , once the wrong kill cannot error correction .

  17. 该部分介绍了中国古代刑法思想中有关刑罚人道的萌芽以及刑罚人道主义在西方的产生和发展。

    Remark Death Penalty Through Penalty Humanism This part begins with some ideas of humanism in criminal law in ancient China .

  18. 非监禁刑体现了刑罚轻缓化、刑罚人道主义和回归社会的刑罚理念。

    Non-custodial penalty is an embodiment on a concept of light and probation penalty , humanitarianism penalty and returning to society penalty .

  19. 从刑罚的发展看,刑罚的人道主义呼唤废除死刑。

    From the development of penalty , the humanism of the death penalty calls for abolition thereof .

  20. 贝卡里亚是刑事古典学派的创始人,在其《论犯罪与刑罚》一书中,他所提出的罪刑法定、罪刑相称、刑罚人道主义原则成为近代刑法的基本原则;

    In his famous essay On Crimes and Punishments , the principles he put forward about Legally Prescribed Punishment for Specified Crime , Suiting Punishment To Crime , and Humanistic About Penalty had formed the basic principles of modern criminal law .