
  1. 与世界各地的城市一样,中国历史名城的大量遗产正在受到经济快速增长的严重威胁。

    As is true in urban centers all over the world , the vast legacy of China 's historic cities is seriously threatened due to the rapid economic growth taking place .

  2. 亚洲各国朋友,中国历史文化名城佛山欢迎你。

    Historical and cultural city Foshan welcomes friends from Asian countries .

  3. 中国历史文化名城的特点及保护的若干问题

    The character istics of Chinese historic cultural cities and their preservation

  4. 云南建水是中国历史文化名城。

    Jianshui is a famous historical and cultural city in Yunnan , China .

  5. 重庆是中国的历史名城,有着悠久的文化底蕴和丰富的旅游资源。

    Chongqing is a famous city in China because of its long history and abundant tourism resources .

  6. 脱离对立,走向和谐&浅谈面临快速发展的中国历史文化名城保护

    From Confrontation Toward a Harmonious & On the Face of the Rapid Development of Chinese Cities Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection

  7. 银川是一座历史悠久、风光秀丽的塞上古城,是中国历史文化名城之一。

    Yinchuan is a long history and beautiful city of the Frontier is one of China 's historical and cultural city .

  8. 浓缩徼文化之珍品&评《中国历史文化名城歙县》丛书

    Concentrating the essence of Hui-culture & assessment of the collection " She xian County , a famouse historically sity of China "

  9. 桂林入首批中国历史文化名城之列,是桂林可利用开发历史文化旅游的资源和基础。

    Guilin is honoured among the 1st China famous cities of historical culture , which is the resource and basis to exploit historical culture tourism .

  10. 作为中国历史文化名城的西安在其国际化城市定位中依据特有的旅游资源优势提出了建设国际旅游目的地城市的发展理念。

    As a historical and cultural city of China , Xi ' an proposes to develop into an international tourist destination depending on its special tourist resources .

  11. 中国古代历史名城经历了独特而漫长的历史发展道路,形成了东方城市文化的独异特色,为世界所瞩目。

    The ancient Chinese historical towns have gone through a long development road and formed a unique style of the east urban culture and are known worldwide .

  12. 北京旧城是中国历史文化名城的典型代表,也是世界首位度的文化之都。

    The old city of Beijing is not only a prototype of the historic city in China , but also a renowned cultural center across the world .

  13. 阆中是中国历史文化名城之一,历史悠久,旅游资源丰富,同时具有较大的开发潜力。

    Langzhong is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in china . It has a long history and owns rich tourist resources , which have great latent capacity .

  14. 成都以其源远流长的历史和种类繁多的历史文物古迹成为全国著名的首批历史文化名城之一,在中国历史文化名城中具有重要的地位。

    Chengdu has become one of the first historic cities of China for its long history and varieties of historic and cultural relics , playing an important part among Chinese historic cities .

  15. 市域内拥有大量具有珍贵历史价值和革命意义的文物史迹,是1986年国务院命名的第二批中国历史文化名城。

    Within the district with large has precious historical value and the historic relics revolutionary significance in 1986 , that is named after the second batch of China council of historical and cultural city .

  16. 中国的历史文化名城,目前多处于现代化的进程中。

    Most of the famous ancient cities in China are in the process of modernization .

  17. 长沙作为中国重要历史文化名城之一,其灿烂的古代文化,给长沙这块古老的土地留下了许多珍贵的文化遗产。

    Changsha as one of china 's famous cities of historical culture , its brilliant old culture left many rare cultural heritages to us .

  18. 学院位于中国著名历史文化名城和华南经济文化中心广州市。

    South China Business College is situated in Guangzhou , a famous historic and cultural city and the economic and cultural centre of South China .

  19. 中国的历史文化名城有许多,名城魅力的体现在于地域与环境的差别。

    There are a lot of historical , cultural and famous cities in China . The enchantment of famous cities shows the difference between areas and environment .

  20. 昆明是云南省政治、经济、文化中心,是中国首批历史文化名城,也是我国面向东南亚、南亚对外开放的重点中心城市。

    Kunming is yunnan political , economic and cultural center , is China first historical and cultural city , China is facing southeast , south of opening key center city .

  21. 西安作为中国的历史文化名城拥有几千年的历史。

    Xi ' an , as a famous city with profound historical and cultural significance in China , enjoys a history that can be dated back to several thousand years ago .

  22. 作为中国首批历史文化名城和中国优秀旅游城市,成都市目前尚没有鲜明的旅游形象,这对于成都市旅游业的可持续发展极为不利。

    As one of the super excellent cities in history and civilization and tourism city in China , there is no bright tourism image of Chengdu , which is a disadvantage for it to develop tourism .

  23. 北京作为中国著名的历史文化名城和政治文化中心,其旅游业在北京经济中占有举足轻重的作用。

    Beijing is a famous historical city and the political culture center in China and its tourism industry plays an important role in economy .

  24. 洛阳古城是中国七大古都之一,也是中国历史文化名城之一。

    The ancient city of Luoyang is one of the seven ancient capitals of China and is included in a list of famous historical and cultural cities of China .