
  • 网络China lunar exploration program;CLEP
  1. 嫦娥一号的成功发射是中国探月计划三部曲之一。

    The launch of Chang E One is the first step of China 's 3-stage moon mission .

  2. 顺便说一句,这就是中国探月工程名称的由来--嫦娥探月工程和玉兔月球车。

    By the way , this is how the name of China 's lunar exploration project came about , Chang'e Project and the Jade Rabbit Moon Rover .

  3. 嫦娥二号的运行属于中国探月工程二期,它主要为未来的卫星登月收集资料。

    Operations of Chang'e-2 are in the second stage of the Chinese moon-landing project , which focuses on collecting information for future orbiters to land on the moon .

  4. 刚刚结束的嫦娥三号任务标志着中国探月计划第二阶段的完成,这一阶段包括在月球轨道上运行、登陆月球以及返回地球。

    The just-concluded Chang'e-3 mission marked the completion of the second phase of China 's lunar program , which included orbiting and landing on the moon and returning to Earth .

  5. 据中国探月工程三期总设计师胡浩介绍,嫦娥五号重达8.2吨,将由长征五号运载火箭发射。

    Hu Hao , the chief designer of the third phase of China 's lunar program , said Chang'e-5 weighs 8.2 tons and will be launched by the carrier rocket Long March 5 .

  6. 中国探月工程副总设计师于登云9月20日表示,我国探月工程下一项任务“嫦娥五号”将展现和检验我国的空间技术和工程能力。

    Chang'e 5 , the next mission in China 's lunar exploration program , will demonstrate and test the country 's technological and engineering capabilities in space , according to a key figure in the project .

  7. 中国的探月工程&中国航天第三个里程碑

    China 's Lunar Exploration Program & The Third Milestone for China 's Space Industry

  8. 中国的探月飞行器被命名为“嫦娥”,就表达了中国人的这种渴望。

    The Chinese exploring moon project is named after Chang'E , fully expressing this pursuit of the Chinese .

  9. 官方报道:中国的探月卫星成功撞击月球,结束了它16个月的使命。

    China 's lunar probe ended its16-month mission with a controlled crash onto the moon Sunday , officials said .

  10. 在2006年,中国首个探月飞船发射成功。

    In2006 , it sent its first probe to the moon .

  11. 在美国结束探月计划之际,中国刚刚踏上探月之旅。

    And at a time when America 's exploration program of the Moon has ended , China 's has just begun .

  12. 中国的第一个探月卫星已经从中国西南的火箭发射长成功发射成功。

    China 's first lunar orbiter has made a successful lift off from its launch site in the southwest of the country .

  13. 控制中心周五消息,中国第二颗探月卫星&嫦娥二号,在与运载火箭分离后已成功进入地月转移轨道。

    Chang'e-2 , China 's second moon probe , has entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as it separated from the carrier rocket , the control center said Friday .

  14. 中国也制定了探月工程三步走的计划,其中第三步以及未来月球基地的建设过程中,必将涉及到月壤原位勘察测试取样。

    China has also developed a lunar exploration project , " three-step " plan , the third step and at the course of building the future lunar base involving testing samples of lunar soil in-situ investigation .

  15. 去年,作为探月工程的第一步,中国将一个自动控制的航天器发射进入月球轨道。中国的探月工程将包括在登陆月球和随后让登陆者携带月岩样本返回地球。

    Last year , an automated spacecraft made it into lunar orbit , the first step in a moon exploration programme that will include a landing , and later the return of a lander to earth with rock samples .